• Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018] (p.60)
2018/08/09 01:44:53

A new and modern script language.

Although CAL scripts are useful, it's absurdly limited, old, difficult, not intuitive (LISP-like) and poorly documented. 
With a modern script language, CbB could evolve a lot, apart from the bakers' development. 
Something like Python, Javascript, VBScript, in addition to CAL, would improve a lot the parallel development, by letting the user himself cover the current development gaps by removing the overhead from the bakers.

You might want to check out Alexey's AZ Lua plugin: http://www.azslow.com/index.php/topic,286
2018/08/09 03:31:10
You might want to check out Alexey's AZ Lua plugin: http://www.azslow.com/index.php/topic,286

I've done that, but according to the developer of AZ Lua, unfortunately, this language only works for a whole track, that is, it does not obey the selection of a specific stretch of track. So it's practically useless.
2018/08/10 09:10:34
Jean-Philippe ROGER
Hi Meng,
1 - I use External Insert for Eq, FX and Compressors. In the list of effects on the tracks, I always see "External Insert".
It would be very convenient if I could change this name to replace it with the name of the actual machine (EQ, reberb ...)
Thank you.
2018/08/12 13:21:45
some bugs needs attention
  • Midi-clip looping
i got this many times and it is really frustrating
from addictive drums i got midi clips, that i place into track, then i need to loop them 
in tracktion i can just click the L button on top of the clip and it works well, in CW i got to go into menu, bounce to clip (sometimes) then groove-clip-looping - but it's alright, the error goes when it enlarge a midi clip just adding some space behind and to remove this space you got to move clip, bounce or try to do soemthing else, that actually wont work. So what i want is that button or menu entry that will simply make midi to work as loop, just for make it a track wide. it seems like it groove beats+1
  • Piano Roll muted clips view
when you modify a note clip, you need to move some, mark some, do something with notes and when you got other clips behind those notes will be marked as well. so if i got few "track lanes" all these lanes will be marked.
 there's a button to not see muted clips, but if a whole track lane is muted (so clips are muted too) those notes still appear in edit mode. what i want is to not see all muted clips whatever they are personally muted or whole track lane, because i got to mute each clip. 
  • WDM timing error (in wasapi too prob)
if i'm working in loop mode after sometime notes begins to work different, it feels like they are like not synced and played with some random delay. I don't remember if it happens in ASIO, sometimes just a whole clip not responding for some unknown reason, then if stop\play it works. Something wrong there and i'm not sure what is it exactly. 
  • ACT control not reacting some knobs
well in learning mode for synth all knobs  are working
i decided to make some preset for all synths, so i don't have to learn each one for the same usual controls
i thought i could do this with ACT, but when i was setting knobs and sliders, some of them was acting, but a lot of others didn't
and actually i'm not sure if i can define a behaviour of those controls for synths
2018/08/15 13:21:40
Reset Audio error and reload track plugins feature
Well sometimes it's not working as supposed. For example i got few post fx on channel and bus and when i reset audio i got sound from bus fx, also for rapture seesion i'm freezing track, but in the beginning i got sound from the end, that shouldn't be there. So i have to wait for some time until it stops or reload full project.
I propose to make a reset audio as a whole reset state of all plugins (bus and channel, maybe just a bus was like forgotten, not sure; turn off each plugin, until all be in the off state - then turn on) and pressing twice on reset will reload all plugins with ask menu reload yes\no + make a reset button for each track so only plugins of that track would reload.
you need to save current preset setup state and then load it back.
well the thinner solution is in making each plugin being reloadable.
2018/08/16 16:01:24
Can we ever expect to have an arranger track? Also I've heard there are major problems with the Maschine software. I hope there's a fix coming for that.
I switched to Cubase when Gibson went sideways. There are many powerful features in Cubase but I loved the workflow in Sonar. I'd gladly switch back if we'd get an arranger track and had a functional Maschine integration.
2018/08/16 17:39:31
King Conga
I'm wondering if there's any remnant of the Product Wish List threads that I had so diligently created for a brand new Drum Map Mgr that hadn't been improved upon in maybe 15 yrs.  I did a cursory search for it but couldn't find anything. At any rate, I'm about to get intimate and serious with using AD2, and I realized I was going to need an INS file to use with the Piano Roll view. I was hoping someone had already created an INS file using the AD2 Stnd map. or if XLN had done something to that affect.
The feature I was hoping would be created when re-doing the drum map was the ability to export the Drum Map to an INS file, and BOOM! You're done.
2018/08/16 21:25:56
Please fix the Advanced feature in the BandLab's Cakewalk installer.
ALL of the folder selection fields in the installer when run in Advance mode are read only and cannot be changed.
This has been broken for a while and is still broken in  build
2018/08/16 21:29:24
King Conga
I'm wondering if there's any remnant of the Product Wish List threads that I had so diligently created for a brand new Drum Map Mgr that hadn't been improved upon in maybe 15 yrs.  I did a cursory search for it but couldn't find anything...

Is this what you were looking for?
2018/08/18 11:42:44
as for update process of bandlab assistant maybe you'd make a patch update mode?
i mean not downloading whole installer, all instruments etc, but if we know current version, then we can just download diffs or execs+dll's that were changed, so it wont take much resources and time to update. especially for hotfixes.
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