• Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018] (p.68)
2018/10/20 06:36:39
How about a Track Delay function that allows users to delay a Track to create a stereo effect when tracks are duplicated and combined? 
2018/10/20 09:37:15
A request for editing and sending "System Common Messages" and "System Real Time Messages" - as an example the Arturia Drum Brute can be sent "System Common Messages" to control front panel settings and "System Real Time Messages" to stop and start sequences. These are defined in the last two sections of Table 1 of the MIDI Spec:  https://www.midi.org/spec...ummary-of-midi-message

You actually can do that with this software since, well, forever. System Common Messages are the same as Sysex. If you know the syntax, that should be available in your device's midi documentation, you can send them directly from the Event View, or you can edit them and send them as sysex banks from the Sysex View. The start and stop messages are sent as specified in the Project tab of the Preferences menu.

So I could send a SysX message like F0 F3 01 F7 to send the Select Song 1? I was thinking the System Common Messages were stand alone messages.

Yes, you could do that, I see no problem, that is just another midi event. Insert it in the Event View. Only thing would be, I guess, getting everything to sync fine. It would depend on what you want to do, exactly. Start/stop is a bit hit and miss, because it depends on how fast your drum machine reacts to the incoming messages, and how long both sequencers take to sync perfectly. The common practice seems to be leaving a setup bar at the beginning of the sequence for sysex messages, patch changes and so on. If what you want is synchronizing a full song in your Drumbrute with a Cakewalk song, just leave that first bar empty and place your Song Select at the first ticks.
2018/10/20 09:46:12
Ah, by the way. I was thinking now that for live use maybe you could also send those from the Matrix view. I have't tried, but I guess that that start bar could also be programmed in a short loop, and send it as one shot from the Matrix view with a midi controller.
2018/10/20 14:27:53
I would still like to see a chord track!
2018/10/21 01:44:00
I would still like to see a chord track!

2018/10/23 04:02:56
 Volume, pan, + gain need contrasting colors
Many years ago in Sonar 8.5 we had different colors for the sliders of volume, pan, and gain in the Track pane. It was really easy to locate those widgets visually because of the different colors.
Since Platinum this has not been possible. All 3 sliders are forced to be the same color.  The Theme Editor is not able to do this either. If you change a color for one it changes it for all 3. 
I thought that maybe I'd get used to it with Splat, but never have, which indicates it's not a matter of getting used to it, it's really the loss of something that would be helpful for all of us.
CbB certainly would benefit from this flexibility in colors.
2018/10/23 15:47:48
The track Navigator is useless unless it shows everything in the tracks including envelopes and automation. This is the second project in a row where I have 200 extra measures after the recording stops and I can't find it. I've wasted another hour trying to find the culprit. Last time it was something in a hidden envelope. This time I've opened all the envelopes and automation and I checked the event list and I don't see anything. Please make a feature where it will destroy everything beyond a specified range. This is ridiculous!
2018/10/24 10:34:19
S Effren
An iPad app for wireless control.  All my Frontier Design Tranzports have finally taken a crap, and it's left me hanging big time.  All the other apps out there aren't dedicated and are half-assed in terms of Sonar compatibility/functionality.  
At least just something that'll allow for basic transport functions.  I beg you.......
And if we could fix whatever has been making Sonar crash when playing with Melodyne Studio, that'd be icing on the Cakewalk, so to speak.
2018/10/24 11:32:02
S Effren
An iPad app for wireless control.  All my Frontier Design Tranzports have finally taken a crap, and it's left me hanging big time.  All the other apps out there aren't dedicated and are half-assed in terms of Sonar compatibility/functionality.  
At least just something that'll allow for basic transport functions.  I beg you.......
And if we could fix whatever has been making Sonar crash when playing with Melodyne Studio, that'd be icing on the Cakewalk, so to speak.

Take a look at TouchOSC or TouchDAW. They work on both Android and IOS and implements the full Mackie control protocol.
2018/10/24 21:36:41
I don't have the inclination to read through 23 pages of post at the moment, so my apologies if these are repeats!
1) More flexible tempo tools, such as the ability to create different "takes" of a tempo map and switch between them. Or turn off tempo maps completely and use a single tempo (like DP's conductor track). I realize this may pose problems for audio, but surely there are ways around this, and I would really love the flexibility when working with MIDI...
2) True, tape-style Varispeed recording. Bands like the Beatles and Abba used this quite creatively, and other DAWs have found ways of implementing it (Pro Tools, Reaper).
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