• Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018] (p.76)
2018/12/19 18:21:46
while using the WASAPI drivers, I've been getting unaligned recordings in Cakewalk/Bandlab. While monitering, I have no delay, but on playback I find I need to nudge all the files [left 3] to align them correctly.

Try setting a manual offset in the Record Latency Adjustment section of preferences.

I tried, but you can only increase the value of the manual offset (right?), not decrease it, which results in the .wav being even more to the right than before. Or am I missing something?
Could the problem be that the AT2020 USB has a default sample rate of 44Hz, not 48Hz?
2018/12/19 18:29:48
try a negative offset value
2018/12/19 19:00:40
try a negative offset value

I did, but it wouldn't go below 0

2018/12/19 19:10:51
My mistake. I use a negative offset for ASIO. Apparently WASAPI does not allow negative offsets.
2018/12/20 21:42:25
Something for the "Suggestion Box"
What I'd like to see added to CbB is a way to save automation settings the same as you would EQ settings in the Pro Channel or any other plug in that allows settings to be named and saved.
If this is possible it would be a nice addition.
John B
2019/01/13 22:34:04
There used to be a feature where you could go into the video properties and adjust the start time of the video.  That feature still appears but is now grayed out.  A lot of videos I get to work on have no bars and tones and not all virtual instruments work well if there is a note on the first beat of measure one so I used to move the video to measure two (then clip that off the audio before sending back to the director.  Is it possible to reactivate this?

You can see it in the track view or of you right click the video.

Thank you - it is fantastic to benefit from all the work you guys are doing!
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