2015/05/06 23:11:08
Doktor Avalanche
... assuming you already know they are 32 bit plugins which is not indicated ;) In the context of this thread it's a request.

In the CCC there is an option where to direct the installation of 32 bit plugins but not an option to exclude the installation altogether.
But in harmony with the quote I suggested that an interim measure was to direct 32 bit installs to a folder outside the scanning path until we get more control. So any 32 bit plugins installed without your knowledge would go there and not effect your current Sonar setup.
2015/05/06 23:53:52
Doktor Avalanche
@mudgel Yes I used those options myself but that stlll didn't avoid a few 32 bit VST's getting installed in the 64 bit folders... I can't remember off hand what it was but it was bundled as a seperate CCC package.
2015/05/07 04:56:05
There's no doubt there's a good bit of work to do to make the CCC be anywhere near as good as say NIs Service Centre, but from what I remember that too wasn't so good at first.
BUT considering the similar roles that each fulfills I can't understand why more wasn't included in CCC from the start. Still Cakewalk are on it I th No.

As an aside. Your writing style seems rather familiar yet your listed only by your forum name not a personal name. Obviously you want to remain anonymous???
2015/05/07 05:29:01
Doktor Avalanche
Well a big flag in public forums will help that won't it ;). Cakewalk has already outed my ID ages ago. Let's keep this thread about CCC please.
2015/05/07 08:40:48
Willy Jones [Cakewalk]
Greetings friends.
We have been working on an update for Cakewalk Command Center (C3) , we are at a point where we would like to share our current plan with the community to collect your feedback. At this time we do not have a timeline for when we will deliver any of the proposed changes, that is something we will figure out after we get some time to work through your feedback.
One of our initial goals with C3 was to improve the new user experience. To be completely honest, (at least I) was not expecting the positive response and heavy use that C3 received from professional and upgrade users. To that end, many of the changes we would like to introduce are more geared to making it easier for professionals to get the functionality they need from C3 without making the new user experience any more complicated.
Disclaimer: Screenshots may not be the final art, this is mostly placeholder stuff. Everything stated here is subject to change and this is not a commitment on Cakewalk's part to make these proposed changes. 
What we will not be addressing in this update
Nothing is off the table forever, this is just a small list of a few commonly requested features that we will not be considering for this update. Please continue to make feature requests in the F&I forum and contribute to discussions around these topics, your thoughts are incredibly valuable in guiding our decisions. For this update however we will not be addressing these ones.
Multiselect/custom install selections.
The basic idea is, a method for users to select any arbitrary collection of products and install them. Supporting this adds a ton of complexity to some new options we'd like to introduce in 1.1 so we'd like to re-visit this topic after the changes to learn more about how folks feel about it.
Download pause/resume
Experience: We've been making a real effort to make more smaller installers where possible. Downloading smaller components has proven to be much simpler for users than downloading large gargantuan installers. This modular approach makes it easier for users to choose what they want and also not suffer as long when a download fails or becomes corrupt. 
Technical: By design most everything C3 does is asynchronous in nature. This includes downloading multiple files concurrently. This makes supporting pause/resume a bit more complex without adding a lot of additional information and also persisting this info when the application is closed/re-opened.
Both: Should we resume a download if a newer update is available or toss it out and auto-update the user? Not a life shattering event by any means but a seasoned user may prefer the version they selected, a new user may prefer to be on the latest and greatest.
Cancel downloads in progress
There are some design considerations - such as 'what happens when the user cancels download of 4 of 7 when C3 is downloading a collection?' that we are exploring in addition to the tech reasons for resume before we'd like to dive into this one.
Command Center 1.1 Update  
Persisting the installed product list in the registry
Today when a user installs a product C3 tracks the installed versions in a local per-user cache or by checking for a file on disk. This is problem when a user logs out of C3 as their cache is destroyed. Starting with 1.1 C3 will use the registry to maintain 'version awareness'. This should address issues where a product would report that it is not installed when in fact it is.
Supporting info: On the C3 side this is a fairly straightforward change. However this does require every installer to be updated to write its version information into the registry. Post-launch this may create a situation where products are reported as 'not installed' until they're updated to the latest version.
Content Path Customization
The 'Cakewalk Content' location is a pretty heavily used resource across multiple products. In 1.1 we will let users specify this path from the C3 settings page and C3 will copy the contents (if they exist) to the user specified location. 
Supporting info: Also a simple implementation on the C3 side. This change does require that the installers always respect the content path given to them by C3.
Verbose/Non-Silent Install
An option will be added to the settings page to allow users to bypass the silent argument that is passed to installers. This will allow users to step through the installer dialogs and options.
Easy access to the downloads and content directories
This is pretty simple, an open folder button will be added to the settings page to allow users to open up either the downloads or Cakewalk Content directories.
User-defined update check interval
Anyone that has lots of products or uses C3 to launch products understands what a pain it can be when waiting for the update check to complete. An option will be added to the settings page that will allow users to specify (in hours) how long C3 should wait before checking for updates. The last update check value is stored per-product in C3's cache. We're rolling with a default value of 24 hours but interested in hearing your feedback if this is to high or to low of a default.
Check for updates now button
Hopefully the title is self-explanatory. In addition to allowing users to specify how often C3 checks clicking this button will force C3 to check for updates immediately.

I realize the language for some of these options is horrible - if you have any suggestions please share ;)
Download-only context menu option
For those that would enjoy the download and MD5-checking awesomeness of C3 but would prefer to manually run the installer or copy it to an offline-computer - this option is for you. It does what it says - downloads the files for a product or update without running the installer.

Behind the scenes fixes and performance updates
In addition to the new visible changes a lot of work has gone into fixing bugs and improving performance. Disk I/O should be improved (although probably not noticeable) as we've cut down on overly aggressive persistence calls. A few specific issues that might be worth calling out:
Error when clicking a link in C3: For some crazy reason (I don't know how or why) some folks did not have a default web-browser specified in Windows.  C3 now handles this condition with more grace.
Error when logging into C3 on a computer that has never had any Cakewalk products or VST plugins installed for non-admin users: This one tied into the aggressive persistence calls.
Your feedback matters
100% of these changes we're inspired by user-feedback via the forum and support. Keep this train rolling - let us know how you feel about these proposed changes. We can't incorporate everything in one update but it is important to us that we're on the right track with this first targeted set of changes. 
Please keep this discussion civil and on-topic
It would be very helpful for us to leave this discussion with helpful, actionable feedback.

I'm looking forward to watch the CCC developing. Actually the whole new release process is coming along very well considering it's such a new thing. Not only for Cakewalk but for the industry in general.
2015/05/08 17:23:34
Willy Jones [Cakewalk]
how about connecting up the problem reporter with ccc, uploading minidumps with sys info etc, to improve bug reporting, help troubleshooting etc

This is something we would like to do and will be investigating further once this first update is done. We have also been working on some updates to the problem reporter on our site as well as support history to support this. Once we get closer to really designing it out we'll post a similar thread to this one to collect feedback etc.
2015/05/08 22:08:30
Hi, I have a connection that requires a proxy server. Is there a possibility to allow a connection via a proxy server that requires login and password?
2015/05/09 13:14:30
I downloaded the video tutorials using command centre although I've no idea how to access them can someone give me a tip where to find them?
2015/05/10 05:04:06
Everything goes where you specified downloaded files to go. Check this by clicking the gear icon on the right upper side of the CCC main window.
Cakewalk Content (not the downloads) by default goes to C:/Cakewalk content
2015/05/12 10:47:36
I've been using the manual/offline method (even though I do it directly on the DAW... just don't want to install/use the CCC program because new things scare me... lol). I've only browsed that list and I don't think much of it affects me except the one thingie.
However what I would REALLY like to see, and perhaps this has been mentioned, is more specific info on what's what. As in...
1) The date specific items were last updated/when they were released
2) A list of previous Sonar versions each item was included with going back to say... oh Sonar 8 (but I'm sure older users would like it to go back further)
3) More isolated downloads in nested folders so we can either click on the parent sownload link to get all the contents in a folder or click an "Expand" button to get download links for smaller chunks of that download and preferably a final "Expand" button to show individual items like specific VSTs, instruments, libraries, etc.
The reason I say all this is because I am honestly having a hard time figuring out exactly what I have and what is new. Being able to see a release date and versions I may have gotten things in would help me know better. Being able to dig down into folders to snag only certain elements has obvious benefits and should be self explanatory but it could help reduce duplication or disk space being occupied unnecessarily. It will also let us see the details on individual items (like the release date/version/etc). I noticed when downloading Dorchester that the "Anderton Collection" seemed to be in bulk dl's and since that looks to be an ongoing project I don't want to download the same stuff over and over again just to check out new goodies (and same goes for other stuff).
Anyway... I'm sure there already is some kind of logic to it all that I need to study up on but I have been pretty busy (and ill) so perhaps I'm just being a derper but in this regard you could consider me a "new user/beginner" to the process and if I'm getting confused (and remember I read the forum daily) then someone who is actually a complete beginner or doesn't always keep up on current events around here will definitely find it wacky and chaotic.
Currently it almost reminds me of some of the Linux repositories (although not as vast... yet). Lots of stuff going on but difficult to tell what's what and what you need.
Just my 2 derpy cents. Thanks for the ongoing work on this. I am personally very happy with the new release and can definitely see it only improving.
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