• Cakewalk Instruments
  • Edit SFZ Cakewalk - Garritan Berimbau Sample only plays ONE(1) note!!! Help!!! (p.2)
2013/08/18 01:15:58
Paul P
I'm only at this Forum because I was "sent" by the person to whom I spoke @ Garritan. He was only able to verify for me that the berimbau sample does, in fact, only play ONE NOTE!

I don't understand the logic here.  Garritan produces a complex multisample which only plays one note, and they refer you to an unrelated third party to try and figure out why ?  Maybe I'm missing something (like some link between Garritan and Cakewalk, or Cakewalk and Plogue ?).
Referring to the Aria Player's User Manual the pictures of the player on your website show the keyswitches in pink and the note range in white which should be, according to the SFZ file, four notes 36-39 (C,C#,D,D#).  It doesn't look like these notes will cause different frequencies to play though (like on a piano), only different properties of the Berimbau (whatever they are) :
C  :  "open"  [sample=ber-open 01_0001102C.audio]
C#  :  "close"  [sample=ber-close 01_0001102C.audio]
D  :  "tight"  [sample=ber-tight 01_0001102C.audio]
D#  :  "buzz"  [sample=ber-open 01_0001102C.audio]
A random amount of offset into these four samples is introduced during playback.
The keyswitches are :
(24)  C : OFF
(26)  D : Rolls (on Release)
(28)  E : Flam
(29)  F : Triplet 1/8
(31)  G : Roll
(32)  A : Roll 2
As far as tuning the 'note' to different notes, I guess it would be up to the Aria Player to map it through the Tune function.  Maybe you could contact Plogue who built the Aria Player, and ask them why it won't.  The Aria Support FAQ  says :
"The ARIA Player not only allows you to adjust the pitch by a few semitones, it also allows..."
The ARIA Player manual says :
"Tune: The “Tune” Control will allow you to make tuning adjustments to each instrument. Tuning controls are adjusted by click and drag – horizontal movements to the right make the pitch sharp. Tuning range is +/-100 cents."
which is only a semitone either way.  Not enough for you, even if it worked.
Anyway, l am bowled over by the size of the sfz file, but it does make quite a bit more sense now that I've spent a couple of hours looking at it.
2013/08/18 10:08:40
Paul P
[OK, that worked.  Sorry for the extra message.]
I posted the previous message 8 hours ago and though it shows up here in the thread, it does not show up in the forum threads list.  On that page, the last post shown is Esti's from 21 hours ago.
I don't know why I'm suddenly having troubles with the forum software.  I'm posting this new message in an attempt to get the forum to show that I have added a new message to this thread, so it reaches the people concerned.
2013/08/18 11:16:13
Dear Paul P.:
Thanks for spending so much time and energy trying to help me to resolve this particular issue. I'm glad that, at the very least, you were able to view those screenshots of the Aria Player and what's offered there.
As you pointed out, the sample or the player does offer some different "attacks" of the same pitch, but really, that's about it. I will, however, take your advice and will contact the people @ Plogue to see if they can offer me some kind of solution!!! At this point, I'm certainly not going to count on that!
Best regards, and thanks again!!!
2013/08/18 16:21:15
Paul P
I posted the previous message 8 hours ago and though it shows up here in the thread, it does not show up in the forum threads list.  On that page, the last post shown is Esti's from 21 hours ago.
I don't know why I'm suddenly having troubles with the forum software.

Same here.  Something I posted 3 days ago is showing up as "yesterday".
2013/08/18 22:51:01
Paul P
Here's something you can try, if you're feeling adventurous.  I can't try any of this out since I don't have the Aria Player.
First, save you current SFZ file somewhere safe.
Make a copy of it and edit it with Notepad.  When you save it, make sure there is no .txt added to the file name.  Rename properly if necessary.
There is an sfz opcode called "transpose", defined as :
transpose  :  The transposition value for this region which will be applied to the sample.
type : integer
range :-127 to 127
default: 0
Examples:  transpose=3, transpose=-4

There are a bunch of transpose opcodes in this sfz file, but they are all of the form "transpose=0", which is really unnecessary since 0 is the default.  So you can replace all instances of "transpose=0" with nothing to erase them.
Within an sfz file, there is a hierarchy of elements to which you can specify common attributes that apply to everything below the element at whose level they are specified.  These are <master>, <group> and <region>.  I'm guessing for <master> since I don't believe it's part of Cakewalk's SFZ specification.
So, if under each instance of <master>  [there are 5 of them], you insert the line "transpose=-2" [minus 2, and you can't have spaces on either side of the '='], you just may get a Bb instead of your C.  If this works, then "transpose=-4" should give you an Ab as well.
Save the file, have in its proper place, and try it out.
If this doesn't work, you can try inserting "transpose=-2" right after each occurence of <group> [59 of them] by replacing "<group>" with "<group> transpose=-2".  If this still doesn't do anything, you could insert the opcode into each <region> [367 of those] or try replacing all the existing "transpose=0" [300 of those] with "transpose=-2" but this may not cover all the bases.
Who knows, you may get lucky.
2013/08/19 19:12:11
b rock
Working weekend, so I'm just getting back around to this.  Paul, you've got a lot more time into this than I have, and I'm attempting to get caught up, but something jumped out at me.  The controller keyboard is a Yamaha DX-7.  If I recall correctly, the lowest note available is normally MIDI Note 36.  (Don't get me started on the "Yamaha" vs. "Roland" vs. "Cakewalk, et al." systems of numbering octaves.)
the lowest 'C' on the keyboard triggers the sample. That's it!!!

So, in order to test out your solution, there may be some transposition required at the DX-7 end as well.  The same goes for the keyswitches. Estifi6nyc will never get to those MIDI notes in the default DX-7 configuration.  And I'm not saying that .sfz transpose wouldn't actually transpose, but the MIDI notes listed might have to be modified.
Yamaha DX-7 Key Transpose
Yamaha DX-7 Edit Mode
This is far harder than it needs to be (stretching a sample down 4 semitones).  It may seem like a copout, but let's at least consider Occam's Razor.  If Estifi6nyc has access to any of the Cakewalk synths (Dimension Pro, Rapture, or LE versions), it may be the easiest solution to try to import or substitute some core Berimbau sample into one of them.  Not sure if it's possible to convert the *.audio samples (like ber-open 01_0001102C.audio).
In a Cake synth, an imported sample plays back at pitch on MIDI note 60 - middle C.  With no other mapping or controls active, it will lengthen/shorten and pitchshift on either side of that central note.  In something as simple as Dimension Pro/LE, one could load that sample is 3 or 4 Elements, and use the front panel Lo-Hi Key, Transpose, and Shift controls.  Even a custom .sfz could be whittled down to the bare essentials.
Just a thought.  Estifi6nyc, do you have access to any Cakewalk synths?  If so - and worst case scenario -would you object to substituting another Berimbau sample (say, from the FreeSound archive)?
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