• Music Creator
  • adding reverb to midi drums seperately. Kic,snare toms etc? (p.2)
2008/10/20 16:22:45
I figured it out. But steve, what if I only want a track for the kick,snare1,highhat and toms. do I just delete the others. I can adjust the overhead and room inside the virtual mixer.
2008/10/20 16:26:23
also, does anyone know how to turn off the touch sensitivity on a MIDI KEYBOARD. I may want to have every bass drum kick at 127 to get that boommy consistency but for cymbals and keyboards I prefer the touch sensitive.
2008/10/20 16:30:22
Of course your host has to be set up
accordingly to capture these outputs (see your application’s
manual for details).

the way the host is set up is not so that the multichannel will work. you need to use each track individually because that's what you selected in the host when you selected ALL OUTPUTS.

do I just delete the others.

you can delete the output tracks you're not using, but it won't affect your CPU either way.

also, does anyone know how to turn off the touch sensitivity on a MIDI KEYBOARD

if you're trying to turn it off on the keyboard, then that's keyboard specific, there's no "universal" way - you have to look at your keyboard's manual to figure out how to turn it off.
2008/10/20 16:37:24
I guess I have to keep the tracks with overhead and room so I can hear the cymbals. whats the point of the second snare?
2008/10/20 16:41:01
yes, at least the overhead - that's what the cymbals are mic'd to. the room is actually just an "ambience mic" to capture the reverb of the drums in the room.

what's the point of the 2nd snare? I don't remember exactly - are there not 2 snares in the kit? if not then there must be 2 mics on the snare. I'd have to check that out when I get time to look at it (I'm at work right now).
2008/10/20 16:58:41
thanks Beagle, WEll, Im expreimenting and to record seperate tracks I am cloning the midi track so I can record again. Like I said before I am recording kick and snare on 1 track, clone, record over the clone the highhat,ride,cowbell or what ever is keeping time.,clone,record over with toms, clone,record over with cymbals. Its not always like this. sometimes I have the highhat,ride , and cymbals on 1 track so ther are 3 midi tracks. It makes it easier for me to edit the timing if I view the track in staff view and only have a couple of parts to look at and is also easier to record seperately than to play 2 hands and 2 feet worth of stuff with 2 hands. my concern is after cloning these midi tracks I have 4 midi tracks. can I some how view all my drum tracks in 1 view on seperate staffs to edit the right notes?
also, when recording say keyboards I insert cakewalk tts-1, I select first synth audio output. it pops up with 2 tracks. a midi track to record and another that says waveform preview. usually to record a sound I will select the midi channel I want to record on, 1-16, select the sound I want, lets say strings, press record and do my thing. when Im done with that I may want to add a piano track so I clone the mid track because there is only 1 with record on it. open the synth rack, select a different channel,select piano and record. I guess Im wondering if there is a way that I dont have to clone the track to record another track?
2008/10/20 17:06:08
can I some how view all my drum tracks in 1 view on seperate staffs to edit the right notes?

yes - on separate staves is easy. just highlight all of them and click VIEW>STAFF VIEW.

when Im done with that I may want to add a piano track so I clone the mid track because there is only 1 with record on it.
I don't understand what you mean by "because there is only 1 with record on it"?

cloning the track is not necessary unless you want that recorded MIDI data to stay and use it. if you just want to add another track to use with TTS-1 on a different channel, then you just need to INSERT>MIDI TRACK. then change the OUTPUT to TTS-1 1. then change the CHANNEL, BANK and PATCH information there on the MIDI track's properties (right under the OUTUPT).

also as I just mentioned there, you should not be changing the channel and patch ON THE TTS-1 face - it won't stay that way if the track properties or the event list does not have that patch. you need to change the patch and channel information on the MIDI track's properties.
2008/10/20 17:09:03
ok, I think I just figured it out. load the tts-1 like i did. It will have a midi track and the other track. go up to insert/multiple tracks/under midi select the number of tracks I want to record onto/ put the port to tts-1. then I will have 4 midi track I can record onto with 16 possible different channels. Can I only record 16 different instrumennt sounds if there are only 16 channels? Or would I open another tts-1 and it would give me 16 more so I would have 32. and so on?
2008/10/20 17:11:11
thanks for the multiple track staff view option. thats awesome.
2008/10/20 17:12:49
If you want more than 16 channels, then yes, you'll have to load a 2nd instance of TTS-1. in the OUTPUT for the MIDI track it will look something like this: TTS-1 2
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