• Music Creator
  • recording 3 different tts-1 strings patch tracks to control each volume separately? SOLVED (p.3)
2016/11/25 23:44:43
If each MIDI track is using a different channel, you should be able to adjust each track's volume in either the Track Pane or by using the TTS-1's volume sliders without affecting the other channels.

I believe you're correct as long as the three tracks have three channels with a different midi instrument patch on each channel.  But, if you are using three instances of the same midi instrument patch, I believe changing the volume of one track changes the volume of all three tracks. 

If you are referring to the audio output from TTS-1, if all of the MIDI instruments are output to the same audio output, and you then adjust only that audio output, they will be adjusted as a group on that audio output.
But you can set the MIDI volume before that stage at each MIDI track using the MIDI volume sliders.  MIDI volume can be 0-127, and affects the output level from each instrument sound.
2016/11/26 09:52:46
If each MIDI track is using a different channel, you should be able to adjust each track's volume in either the Track Pane or by using the TTS-1's volume sliders without affecting the other channels.

I believe you're correct as long as the three tracks have three channels with a different midi instrument patch on each channel.  But, if you are using three instances of the same midi instrument patch, I believe changing the volume of one track changes the volume of all three tracks. 

Perhaps it's patch-specific, but I just did a quick check with TTS-1 and X3 using 3 tracks on different channels and the Piano 1 patch on each track. When changing the volume of 1 track, it did not affect the volumes of the other tracks.
2016/11/26 12:47:55
Thank you for verifying.  I'm sorry I provided incorrect information and challenged your response without a good  reason.
This conversation does indicate how amazing it is that so many people still regularly use a twelve year old (2005) virtual instrument.
I'm glad Malalidreams questions have been answered.  This forum has so many people willing to share their knowledge.
2016/11/26 21:28:07
Thanks for the responses. I appreciate it. There is definitely a learning curve for this. Thanks so much. I will play around with this later tonight :)
2016/11/27 00:21:56
New problem. I enter the tts-1. I select midi source, synth track folder, first synth audio output and synth property page.
I insert a mid track. I change the input to all inputs mid ch 1
I change the output to tts-1. I get sound. I go to patch browser to change the instrument to violin or whatever and it doesn't change
I inserted another midi track to see if it would work the same way but put input to all input midi 2 and output to
tts-1. I switched my midi controller to midi channel 2 and got sound.
I click on patch Browser to change the instrument and nothing again.
2016/11/27 09:49:04
I don't know what the patch browser is, but with TTS-1 (being a General MIDI synth), you change the patch in the MIDI track pane, not in the TTS-1 GUI.
2016/11/27 14:26:11
I'm not sure how to post a picture.
On the left of the track it says FX +
below that R W M S 
below that pan. then volume.
to the right it says snap to scale 
below input quantize. below that Keys then Time then below is Patch Browser.
I click on patch browser and it allows me to select an instrument.
I guess this isn't how you change the sound?
where do you go for that?
2016/11/27 14:47:52
There is a problem with TTS-1 and certain audio/PC configurations. It is a 32 bit application and WILL NOT play certain sounds unless you go into SYSTEM/OPTIONS in the TTS-1 settings and change the processor from advanced to simple. I am not at my PC right now, so I am unsure of the exact wording but it should be a checbox option.
2016/11/27 20:20:37
This is from my web site.  You need to learn about the channels in TTS-1 and once you do, you will be able to run 16 different patches on one instance of TTS-1. You will be able to have different instruments and set their volumes as needed.     Note...FR refers to my interface.... FocusRite. Use your interface for this step when mine is mentioned. ALSO.... note that on the INPUT, I am selecting channel 6 because that's the channel my midi piano sends it's data on. If yours uses a different channel or OMNI, you need to select that one.
So... here's the page from my site:
ADVANCED TTS set up and operation.

You only need one instance of TTS to be able to play 16 different midi tracks as 16 different instruments. In this demo I will explain just how you accomplish this by starting with 3 midi tracks and one instance of TTS.

So…open a new project ( I opened a normal project and deleted the audio track and then inserted the midi tracks needed and then inserted the soft synth) and insert 3 midi tracks and one instance of TTS. I have:
 Track 1 midi piano
 Track 2 midi bass
 Track 3 midi strings
 Track 4 Cakewalk TTS1-1 (audio track this is where TTS lives in this project)

Use the track icons…it makes it ease to know what track you are working on.

Understand that this is just a basic setup of TTS to show you how to setup multiple instruments in one instance of TTS and get it all working.

Set Track 1 (piano)

Input FR channel 6
Output 2-Cakewalk TTS1-1
Channel 1
Key 0
Bank & patch = piano

Set track 2 (bass)

Input FR channel 6
Output 2-Cakewalk TTS1-1
Channel 2
Key -12
Bank & patch = bass

Set track 3 (strings)

Input FR channel 6
Output 2 Cakewalk TTS1-1
Channel 3
Key 0
Bank & patch = strings

A NOTE about my set up..... Notice that all 3 tracks are using the same input....FR channel 6. (Focusrite=FR) This allows all three channels to “hear” the midi keyboard which I have set to transmit on channel 6.
I could set each channel input to a different channel. By doing so I have to change the midi keyboard to transmit on that channel....none of the other channels will hear it, and that can be very useful in recording as you will see shortly.

By setting all 3 channels to the same midi input channel (channel 6) I am able to play all the parts into the three channels with out changing the midi transmit channel on my DX27S. I arm track 1 and record my parts doing the same for the next two tracks. Since the outputs are set to different channels they are sending their midi data to different channels in the TTS synth. The synth looks at the channel number, and routs that data to that channel and applied the patch & bank info you assigned to it and it carries out those instructions. The result is that you hear 3 different instruments playing from your speakers.

SO... if you did that correctly, you should have been successful in setting up TTS to play the instruments and be able to control them as you needed.
2016/11/27 21:08:47
I believe someone already mentioned rebooting your PC, but did you do it before you tried executing Sonar in safe mode?

If you open up task manager, you should only see one version of sonarplt.exe running. Sometimes when Sonar hangs, I've noticed that trying to run it again opens multiple processes, none of which will work. I usually kill all running instances and reboot.

The only recommendation I have left is to try that, and reboot your PC. Then execute Sonar in safe mode, as I described earlier (With the shift key). When asked (if you get that far), load the app with no plugins (There should be a dialog that allows you to cancel everything all at once). Aside from that and a hard drive issue, I've got nothing else. Running Sonar in 32 bit mode is not the answer, because without doubt Sonar 63B should run in a 64 B Windows 10 machine...

The reference I made to 32B was in reference to TTS-1, because it is a 32B plugin and it won't run using bitbridge on a 64 B machine, without changing the processor setting.
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