I'm working in Sonar x1.... I think 7 is based on sonar.
So in the track inspector, click ALL to show all the options in the inspector. On the input.... select the midi channel you are using.
All the following should be in there... IN, OUT, CHANNEL. BANK, PATCH
IN is the channel in your midi device that it's using to send the data. This has to be the same as the device or it gets ignored and nothing happens
OUT is the synth or other location you want it sent to.
CHANNEL is the channel IN TTS that you want this data to go to. You will select the sound/instrument in the patch below.
BANK is the bank of instruments to use. Just click on the patch and this loads automatically from the default.
PATCH is the specific instrument in the bank you selected.
After recording the tracks, hit play and you should hear the instruments you recorded play back. You control the volume in the MC7 tracks