Thanks, Jim for the truth!..I knew ABOUT IT, and said so, and Got banned for doing it my way....And a lot of post taken down for saying it and warning people....Interesting eh?..But coming from you Jim, makes it true what I said?...ah...resetting settings for us, in good trust.?..How nice of MS to have such freedom to screw up peoples lives, or machines and use there of...Eh?..and keep them with their heads in boxes that do not do, what they were setup for, or said does do, or can be done with....How many liars made because of that and ULA violation of licence paid to use, under those terms said it works with...Eh?.....Perhaps to sell more Tech support tickets and remote viewings is the key to some pineapple Pillar to riches being taught the new born? ...Not be totally out of the spying eyes grip, or hold over in no trust, to need to spy on all users of, but ask we trust them, not being trustworthy to let setups be left as is, so roll backs and such need not be mandated....Oh they do sometimes make a roll back when installing new updates....But if it burns out the machine....What good is that?
Hmmm apples in the garden with a acoustic guitar, and some congas is sweet freedom!...Sow the seeds, till the soil, be good over and upon the living...Makes life last more so sweet, a good deed done to see clear blue skies, and some rain to make things grow proper, and some shared so , gains a better view of the truths be fortold!...Of the lies and liars who make people not do...what should be done by all.....wasting time, with troubles no one wants, always fixing and being mislead with more and more to buy buy, and tech support paid for...Just makes it one sided, until it is not!
Best wishes, and regards!..with cheers...for the witnessing!
Sir Les.