For low budget engineers, spidf can give a lot of powerful combinations. For example, i used it to combine my interface with a tascam 2488. In this case, you are basically using it as a clock source. You can also pipe a mix to the other device. This means i can record 8 drum mics on the tascam and mix it together live. I will also have all the tracks later for mixing. For the price of a used tascam you can expand your capability by eight channels for any device with spidf.
You only need to pack it when you need it. By this, i mean it is not in the rack and easily left at home.
For my rme ucx, the 2488 brings me to 24 channels.
8 from ucx
8 from Audient asp 880 to ucx on adat
8 from tascam
This at 24 44.1 only. Tascam doesn't do 48.