• Computers
  • Apple: It's Good If You Like C**P (p.3)
2017/10/24 16:16:46
I've cussed at my PC at home plenty - right now Vegas chokes when opening on the VST list.  Guess what I'm doing this afternoon?
Of course, I've heard plenty of cussing too at Pro studios that use apple.  My favorite was barely a week after laughing at my tale of PC problems, an owner/operator of one of the bigger studios here in Dallas let forth a mighty stream of invective at Apple, PT and Digidesign that were all designed to work together but didn't - at $100 per hour downtime.
My cussing never got that expensive.  As others have said, I'd have gone w/ Apple if I had a reason to pay for it.  I don't.
2017/10/24 19:18:20
Kenny you're hyping the facts against PC just a little  OK maybe a LOT.
Society basically functions with computers. No matter what it is there is probably a computer that was either used to produce it or make the plans to produce it. Crunch the numbers for accounting to justify its existence. In a way, they are the unseen hand behind what make us more efficient.
PC dominates this movement. If PC were half as bad as is inferred here everything about society would come to a slow halt.
I grow tired of hearing that Mac is from the gods and PC is not intuitive. This just isn't true. Both are stretches that come from bias. Meanwhile PC servers continue to sit by the hundreds all over the globe making this all possible.
2017/10/24 19:48:48
I have and run both Windows and Mac. My Windows PC is kept current, up to date, and just got the brand new Windows 10 Pro Fall Creators Upgrade 1709. It was a bit of a struggle, but it over now and everything runs GREAT, with seemingly an endless supply of brute horsepower and speed! Way more then I need for SPLAT which is configured for load balancing across all 8 cores, none of which ever reach the 50% mark even running 30 or 40 audio and MIDI tracks running any number of audio plugins, Addictive Drums 2, Rapture Pro, Cakewalk Studio Instruments, or what ever..
 My Windows PC even stays in a moderate, but very comfortable zone for editing video and running lots of video and audio plugins with Sony Vegas Pro 11.
 Wanna bench test a computer for power and resources? Get your creative freak on with Vegas Pro or any NLE for that matter, massive processing of huge project files.
 The only thing that can slow me down on my Windows based workstation is my own creativity and inspiration.
 And as reliable as my Mac has been all these years running Snow Leopard,  Pro Tools 8, and Reason 5, Digi 03 and it's ALWAYS left me frustrated and wanting more.. But it ain't broken so I ain't gonna fix it with upgrades it doesn't need, or more to the point, can't handle without dumping enough money into to buy at least 2 brand new mid grade i5 class Windows computers.
 Which by the way, are equal to, or have slightly greater power, performance, and stability
 I learned a long time ago that it's very unwise to upgrade an aging Mac, and it's all too easy to break something that never needed fixing. If you want the new technology, you need a new and improved Mac, with all the new and improved software and hardware interfaces with all the new plugs and a box of assorted adaptors.
 And thousands of dollars later, you'll still be around 10 or 11 years behind Windows technology, you'll still be left "wanting more", and right before you even know it, maybe even before you pay the loan off to buy it and all the stuff you need that goes along with it to record any kind of music what so ever, Apple will drop and orphan "Thunderbolt" and come out with something "Better", something "prettier", maybe even with a round connector on one end and a trapezoidal connector on ta other this time to hook it up, like a standard MIDI cable one side, only different, and the trapezoidal connector on the other side looks like, well I'm not at liberty to say, it's actual shape and size is a highly classified Apple top secret at this date, so stay tuned because believe you me, it is to die for, and resistance is futile and you are going to want one..
Of course if you can't afford one right away, you could always use a standard MIDI cable in the mean time (for about 3 months) if you buy the right adapter(s) from the certified Apple Store, but don't just buy one or just  a dozen, because you'll still be left "wanting more".........
And oh BTW, my Windows computer/workstation is only about 1 year newer then the Mac, both are ancient to todays standards.
 The Windows machine I built and configured myself way back when started out running XP on an AMD Phenom quad core 3.4 g/Hz CPU, MUCH more powerful then the Mac. It stayed that way for years until upgrading to Windows 7 Ultimate x64, I upgraded the CPU and dropped in the (plug and play) FX8350 8 core, a truly mind boggling upgrade, then upgraded a few years later to a very slightly better performing for video editing FX8370 8 core, which has just been upgraded to Windows 10 Pro Fall Creators release 1709, and everything works great.
 There was never any way to upgrade any hardware on the Mac, and no way to even stay the same with everything working great upgrading OSx past Snow Leopard.. :o(
2017/10/24 23:58:55
Oh yea another Mac/PC debate.........
I meant Oh YAWN another Mac/PC debate.
2017/10/25 00:00:36
Kenny you're hyping the facts against PC just a little  OK maybe a LOT.

You can think that one all you want if it makes you feel any better
Mac snob appeal has very little to do with my stance on PC VS Mac .
7 years ago I was gifted an i Mac . In that whole 7 years I have only had 2 crashes. Most of my time using it has been a pure simple pleasure . I wish I can say the same about Windows ....
When I bought my 2 current Win 10 computers I was happy to be able to stay current with SONAR . I was also very happy to have not had to spend Mac type money to have a couple of computers that were better specked than my 2 older Mac's ...
I would be the first to admit that Yes a decently cost effective Win machine can run circles around a higher priced  Mac from yesteryear or even a current one ...
The thing is I'm not here to run circles I'm here to do music
I hope the day may come for you when you don't have to install Audio Card drivers on you DAW machine .
I bet  the day  you can run 2 or 3 different brand sound Cards like I can at the same time while recording a project may hip you to the fact that it is much deeper than a PC VS Mac thing  ...same hardware huh ?
Maybe its just OSX and Core audio that keeps me happy about my experiences of doing some of my music on a Mac. 
I wish I had all the hundreds of hours I have spent baby sitting my PC's while they updated and then proceeded to
force feed me a bunch of updated crap I didn't want
I would sit down to work in SONAR and I could not even access my computer until Windows did it's thing and restarted my machine a few times in the past ...That one has left a very bad taste in my mouth ...
Who effing machine is it ? Mine or is it  Windows / MS machine ?
Please  don't even get me started . I used the Indy car example for a specific reason ...
The Mac has a hidden pit crew working behind the scenes .The PC thinks I'm gonna run the race while doing all my own pit work and maintenance during the same time  while I'm running the race  Yeah Right 
The Windows OS is the biggest Muse Kill when it comes to doing Music I have ever experienced in my life as a musician ....Most of the time I am forced to use it due to not having the bucks to get what I really want ...
don't get me wrong I'm glad I have it even though it is not a match made in heaven ...
The bulk of DAW 's and music programs I run are both PC and Mac thank fill in the black for that one ...
Then I have SONAR , Logic Samplitude and a couple of other DAW's that are OS platform dependent ...meaning I have to run both platforms to do what I want
Once again given the choice of having a pleasant creative musical experience while having less track counts as opposed to having more power and higher track counts I prefer to not have to wrestle my way through a creative musical session ...
Fact , SONAR has crashed for me more in the past few months than it has in the past 12 years of me having used it  ....once again I have to stop everything and track down how I went from what's happening to what happened .
Who gives MS the right to change my preferences w out asking me first ? I didn't did I ? just by using their product  
Install a program on my Mac . slide the installer into my applications folder . Back up my stuff run Time Machine ,
Uninstall a program , slide the program out of my applications folder into the trash ,delete the trash done deal  
Yeah real nice and simple w out having to have a degree in registry hacks  ....
 Society basically functions with computers. No matter what it is there is probably a computer that was either used to produce it or make the plans to produce it. Crunch the numbers for accounting to justify its existence. In a way, they are the unseen hand behind what make us more efficient.

Yeah I love it . This is why when I go to a store to buy groceries I have to watch a grown college aged  person fiddle around with the registers computer so he can figure out that my groceries cost $18.73 , I gave him a twenty and  my change will be $ 1 .27
PC dominates this movement. If PC were half as bad as is inferred here everything about society would come to a slow halt.

I didn't ask for a world like this
If that happens and I don't get shot or mugged leaving my house with my acoustic guitar .
I will go out and find a bunch of Mofo's banging out beats on a bunch of logs sitting around a campfire ...
I'm sure they could probably use a decent acoustic guitar player
I grow tired of hearing that Mac is from the gods and PC is not intuitive. This just isn't true. Both are stretches that come from bias. Meanwhile PC servers continue to sit by the hundreds all over the globe making this all possible.

I certainly  can understand how that one feels .....I have been on both side of the fence w that topic and it does get old indeed very fast ...
In other News , 
Bean Counters have decided to grab a bigger market share of the worlds creative resources by spreading rumors and misinformation that a person needs all these little tech creature comforts to stay relevant and current in the Worlds Creative Musical Game  
all the best,
2017/10/25 04:09:10
Regarding upgrades...
For most of the history of recorded music, that is, before people redefined what the word studio meant, people were not expecting their 24 tracks tape machine to be upgraded every 6 months so that they could get more tracks. 
As far as I'm concerned, that's actually a blessing.
As I mentioned earlier, I've not ONCE thought about computer stuff since I replaced my studio computer 2 years ago. I've treated it exactly like I would have treated traditional studio equipment. And it works exactly like it did when I first powered it up.
Granted, I've pretty much ignored every new plug-ins and plug-ins upgrades. I don't update Logic either because I'm not messing up with a working configuration. And quite honestly, I fail to see what piece of software came out in the last two years that is so revolutionary that it is now impossible for me to make music without it.
I don't buy into that crap. That computer was absolutely adequate 2 years ago. And it still is. 
All the time that I don't waste drooling over a Superior Drummer upgrade or whatever new sample library is time I can spend actually making music - not planning on making music, or endlessly shuffling and replacing my tools. I want to focus on music, not tools. 
2017/10/25 10:23:50
This has nothing to do with the recording studio area.  The US Government Agency where I worked until retirement (as a Regional LAN/WAN Network and hardware Help Desk Manager) did a very in depth study of both the MAC and PC platforms for their impending agency wide upgrade (55,000 workstations (PC's) and over 1800 LAN Servers.  The PC won out as the MAC could not run or did not have the needed software applications and nationwide on site hardware support was not there.  The software applications could have been developed but that would have delayed the upgrade substantially and increased the overall cost. 
2017/10/25 14:02:46
Kenny,Rain and any other Mac users out there If you've found something that works and don't want to change it, don't.
Like Rain, I don't upgrade software anymore simply because a newer shinier version comes out. If I like what I have and see no need to upgrade, I won't. I am still kind of a computer nerd though and I like new tools, so if I have disposable income and want it I'll buy it. This amounts to me upgrading pretty much everything I have in software every 2-4 years if upgrade prices are reasonable with the exception of My OS. 
The video posted makes a good point. Mac  changes up a LOT in their hardware connectivity. I hear ya' on keeping the old stuff. I can see a few sitting there in a studio in 2050 still using an old Mac. 
I agree to some extent with obsolescence. I don't agree with planned obsolescence for reasons of corporate financial gain. Mac has you by the short hairs there.
I think obsolescence for reasons of technical advancement are good. Changing plug ends to sell a different plug is blatant  corporate abuse of the customer. They probably use the money made on that to fund the slick image that makes you think you're getting Gods nectar in buying a new Mac. The WANT you to think PC users are all a bunch of stuck ups in business suits. 
This forum is a good example of why this is a lie. We have a bunch of loose, laid back artistic types making music on PC. People here couldn't be further from that stereotype.
2017/10/25 17:08:06
Jim Roseberry
I've owned several Macs (including the latest iMac maxed out with a 6700k, 32GB RAM, and a real SSD for boot drive).  I can see why some folks like them.  Nice sleek looking machines.
For me, they're far too limiting.
The MacBooks come with a set amount of RAM.  There's no upgrading it.  
The machines a sleek/thin and look great.  The cost for super thin laptops (Mac or PC) is performance.
The tighter the space, the more performance compromise (to keep heat in check).
With the iMac, there's zero room for internal expansion.  You can upgrade the RAM to 32GB... and that's it.
No adding a dedicated (internal) audio drive. 
Want to add a second or third drive?  It's external USB-3 or Thunderbolts. 
In my case (albeit extreme), I've got 10 internal SSDs. 
Even if I cut that number in half, that would be five external drives connected to the iMac or Mac Pro.
Has anyone priced external Thunderbolt enclosures?  A 1TB conventional HD is ~$200.
All those drives connected externally... and suddenly what was a sleek, clean/lean setup is now a mess of external boxes/cables.  
Want to replace your iMac's stock "Fusion" drive with a real SSD?
Unless you want to peel off the entire glass display (which I've done and it's stressful), it means a trip to the Apple Store.
With Mac, you get more of a plug/play experience than you do with an off-the-shelf PC.
The downside, Mac hardware lags severely behind the performance curve.
The current $4000 Mac Pro is running *ancient* Xeon components. 
It's so behind the curve that the latest iMac outperforms it.
The Cylinder case is sleek and quiet.  Want to add a dedicated Audio drive?  You're in the exact same situation as the iMac (zero room for internal expansion).
IMO, Apple was short-sighted with the move to cases with zero internal expansion.
Folks (rightly) complain about MS updates... and how Win10 requires some deeper tweaking to give control back to the end-user.
If you've been around Mac for a while, you've seen issues with audio software/plugins... and audio hardware with almost every major OSX release.  El Capitan (when first released) caused many compatibility issues.
Apple's update process is generally easy/smooth compared to the PC. 
Keep in mind that the Mac is a closed environment.  There's *far* fewer options to support and maintain compatibility.
iPads and iPhones:
I've got both... and the wife and I make heavy use of the iPads.
I record my monthly vocal instruction sessions with my iPhone.
Why must I use iTunes to access the audio files?  
It should be as simple as connecting the iPhone to my computer (via USB)... and drag/drop the files as I want.
With Apple... not so much.  I have to install iTunes... and deal with an Apple controlled method of transferring the files.  What should take seconds takes minutes.  
Apple is constantly updating iOS (improvements/etc).
I use OnSong when playing live.  Each and every update can potentially break compatibility with features I need in OnSong.  Always have to be careful not to update iOS right before a gig.  Sound familiar?   
The wife and I use the iPads (vs Android tablets) because the available music related software.
If Android had the exact same offerings, I'd gladly use Android.
Transferring files with Android is as simple as connecting via USB.  You have direct access to your files... and can move them freely (without installing/using) additional software.
Speaking of iOS updates, if you have an iPad-2, it's not compatible with iOS-11.
So your $600 iPad-2 lifespan is nearly up.
iPad Pro (larger version) is $950 for the 256GB version.
Unlike Android tablets, there's no expanding storage using SD cards. 
Like the MacBooks, what-you-buy-is-what- you-get (WYBIWYG).  
While we make good use of the iPads, I'm not super keen on spending the better part of $2000 replacing them.
The beauty of a custom PC can also be the tough part.
It can be *exactly* what you want/need.
But that leaves the variables to the one building/configuring.
Mac or PC, you need to have proper backups.  That eliminates the risks involved with updates/etc.
With Win10, there are means of shutting down auto-updates and other "extraneous" (some might say annoying) bits (Cortana, OneDrive, etc).  MS is trying to make things easier for less tech-savvy users... and (ironically) are making things a bit more of a pain.  
It's clear that I'm not an Apple fan.
I want more control over my computer... and I want less Apple control over how I access/use my files.
That said, a computer is just a tool.
Check out what's available.
Use the tools that best suit you.
Some folks love Gibson guitars... others would rather play PRS... and yet others prefer Fender.
2017/10/25 23:06:58
Kenny,Rain and any other Mac users out there If you've found something that works and don't want to change it, don't.
Like Rain, I don't upgrade software anymore simply because a newer shinier version comes out. If I like what I have and see no need to upgrade, I won't. I am still kind of a computer nerd though and I like new tools, so if I have disposable income and want it I'll buy it. This amounts to me upgrading pretty much everything I have in software every 2-4 years if upgrade prices are reasonable with the exception of My OS. 
The video posted makes a good point. Mac  changes up a LOT in their hardware connectivity. I hear ya' on keeping the old stuff. I can see a few sitting there in a studio in 2050 still using an old Mac. 
I agree to some extent with obsolescence. I don't agree with planned obsolescence for reasons of corporate financial gain. Mac has you by the short hairs there.
I think obsolescence for reasons of technical advancement are good. Changing plug ends to sell a different plug is blatant  corporate abuse of the customer. They probably use the money made on that to fund the slick image that makes you think you're getting Gods nectar in buying a new Mac. The WANT you to think PC users are all a bunch of stuck ups in business suits. 
This forum is a good example of why this is a lie. We have a bunch of loose, laid back artistic types making music on PC. People here couldn't be further from that stereotype.

Hi Starise ,
I do not consider myself a Mac or PC guy at all I am just a guitar player / musician / person who writes much of his own material. ( for better or worse ...)  BTW, the jury is still out on that one
Mac and PC debates have been one of the furthest things from my mind most of my playing career .
I do not enjoy dicking around with a computer , swapping out parts and figuring out that whole end of things .
If I had the money to fix my mistakes I probably would enjoy going there ...for now I just play it safe .
Having said that , I simply don't look at this whole thing the same way a lot of people do .
I can't simply because I do not have skills and knowledge in certain areas . Like a guy like Jim has for example ...
The closest thing that I can come up with in my field of experience is this one .
I do know my way around a Guitar a little bit here and there
The Range of the type of guitars that I currently own and play go from a Gibson Historic R 8 Les Paul VOS right on down to a Fender Squire Strat ...
I know we are not here to talk about guitars the thing is I happen to enjoy modding guitars ..
I have always gotten the impression that  many of the Windows users on this forum  enjoy modding their computers as much as I enjoy modding a guitar .
When it comes to Mac and PC  , I'm not here to beat a War Drum ...I'm here to play music ...
I wish I could get it to the point of when using a computer for music that I have had glimmers of when playing my Axe .
I like it the best when the tools I'm using are in a transparency mode of not interfering with my creativity ...
have a good one ,
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