• Coffee House
  • Have you deleted your Facebook account yet? (p.3)
2018/10/31 14:38:33
Careful ... Skynet is watching.....
2018/10/31 14:45:01
"Have you deleted your Facebook account yet?"
i only have an account setup for my Bats Brew music project.
i would never do personal stuff on facebook,
i just think thats stupid.
2018/10/31 14:53:00
I use facebook mainly to catch up with family, get the latest photo's of their kids etc, as most of them live 400 miles away.
However, I've pretty much taken all personal details off my account and locked it down as much as possible.
I got a HUGE shock when I downloaded my privacy report... not so much for what it had about me, but the fact that it had the mobile numbers, email addresses + loads of personal details of just about everyone in my friends list - most of who are either acquaintances or "friends of friends". I doubt if half of them would volunteer to share that information in person.
Facebook messenger is even worse, as it literally sucks all that data out and sticks it in your contact list.  
2018/10/31 16:42:06
i only have an account setup for my Bats Brew music project.
i would never do personal stuff on facebook,
i just think thats stupid.

That's perfectly reasonable. Most of my musician friends (note: actual friends, not "friends") do the same.
However, if you watch those videos you'll see that it's not just you that's being exploited, but also your "friends" and their "friends" and their friends' friends. 
2018/10/31 20:09:02
If Face Book  and u tube is so good for my music and bands , then why is it  I will never be able to do music full time ever again ? ( unless I met a rich gal that lowered her standards in the bf department )
Those two corporations have literally sold people on the idea you need these apps to get exposure..

It's worse than the social musicians curse of pay to play .
At least with pay to play you got to do your thing on a stage playing in a band live in front of an audience
What's the diff ?
It used to be The Big Dogs made money and the Little Dogs got to play in the playground and grab the scraps ..
Now Its  All the Little Dogs think they are playing in The Big Dog playground because of the illusions and shadows of the real thing that social media presents as the way forward .
In reality the game changed to become an on the surface  pretentious altruistic game where every body thinks they are putting out stuff for the sake of contributing and making the world a better place ...
Now it is true some people are gifted and make the world a better place just by their very presence in this world ...if you are one of those people I hope to meet you someday and shake your hand .

As for the rest (meaning me ...)
How the eff did it turn out that I have spent thousands and thousands of dollars on every aspect of my music and creative pursuit's in Music and in the end I have become " AN ALSO RAN " ?
Yeah that's right I could have been a contender .
I worked hard enough for decades with the goal of becoming a CONTENDER ...
I put in the work , I laid out the cash for my tools , I left NY , I even  went to LA ,
Yeah , its true , I sat down and played with some Big Boys ....
Now I'm sitting here with my thumb up my a$$ trying to figure out how I went from "what's happening " to  "what the eff just happened "

You see let me put it in painful simple to understand  English , in my day if you wanted to get good at playing music you knew there was no guarantees but hey that price was acceptable for most ( myself included ) 
You paid your dues by practicing . If you had the desire and cash you took lessons when you found the right teacher . You also went to jam sessions , did open mics , sat in , guested on songwriters demos as a player and you beat a path stapling up posters of your bands upcoming gigs on telephone poles ..

The social activity of paying music  did in deed have a social pay off  as you you networked , met people , got to hang in a reliability sane networks of clubs and music venues and if you were lucky you made a few bucks playing ... 

Those day s seem to be over ....let me explain ..
I became a targeted resource and a hoped for possible future income source that any company that has a new musical thing a ma jig  wants to sell their product too ...
Not only do I have a bright neon target on my back so they can find me , they have also made me their poster boy for making the hard sell ( that is if they ever succeed ) .
Folks , This is no accident ,  they do not even respect or care anything about me whatsoever .
All they want is a little piece of my Cash ...
( damn you CC L it seems your a advanced VST D Day ( Deal Day ) landing party for the big boys )
In the eyes of the internet I became a commodity to be bought , sold and bartered with  ....
I think it is very Odd that even though I have a number of vintage amplifiers of various brands  , I also have about $1500 invested in amp sims ...
I don't even play drums yet if I took the money I have in drum VST's  I could have a few choice pieces  off a  Maple set of Ludwig Drums
Anyway , let me stop now before I start getting into Keyboards Synths and Plugs ....
I would lie to thank my peers for having put me under such pressure to spill my gut's and listening to my rants ...
A very special warm thanks goes out to F B for having brain washed every one into think you gave them a voice when in fact they already had one
An a Warm F U goes out to u tube for bombarding me with mediocre guitar players from all over the world that can't play worth a $hit yet for some odd reason you feel compelled to lump them in on my video song feeds where I may only have a few thousand listens while they have millions of listens  ....
2018/10/31 20:14:43
I just saved 31% on a magazine subscription because someone on FB gave a heads up to a Halloween deal.
That's all I got at the moment.
2018/11/01 03:14:32
Frontline is doing a two-part documentary about Facebook. It's all stuff that's already been in the news, but the show summarizes it all very nicely. They've just put Part One on YouTube:

Just about everyone in my orbit is addicted to it. My own band posts gigs on FB, which is how I find out when and where I'm playing next. Of course, I have to ask my daughter, because I have no Facebook account myself.
There has been a lot of discussion lately about whether or not AI is dangerous. I think we've seen the repercussions of AI's dark side already, in the form of Facebook's news feed. Whenever you like something, it feeds you more of the same. They call it a "filter bubble". Pretty soon you get the feeling that Position A is the way everybody feels about it, and Position B is championed only by idiots.

Yeah Ive deleted it!
Feels so good!
2018/11/01 15:45:27
Never had a Facebook page and never felt deprived in the least for that state of affairs.  This forum gives me enough of an online community daily fix - any more and I'd be wasting too much valuable time that would be more profitably spent doing constructive things.  I must say, however, that I'm feeling a bit smug these days about having ignored the FB phenomena from the start.

What he said.

What he said about what he aid.

What they said

What large numbers of people are talking about
2018/11/01 17:36:26
jackson white
ime, which includes working mostly with millenials thru Gen X, FB is considered kind of beat and old school for promoting music. IG, Twitter and somewhat YT have been the more go-to channels, but noting IG has recently been hit with ad bloat on the same scale as FB. Gee, guess what, Zuckerberg also owns that.
Zuckerberg is doing what any sociopathic geek would focus on, which is competing for domination in their market space. FB can be somewhat justified in their claim they are just a "technology" company but $**t the bed when you dig into their algorithms, which are proprietary (imagine that). The impact appears to be the ability to concentrate compatible memes which becomes an increasingly effective lever for mind share and manipulation. While FB is celebrating the effectiveness of their "technology" and "benefit" for potential advertisers ($$), the monster is out of the cage unfettered.
The impact is far greater than FB. The data comes from EVERYWHERE and firms such as the one mentioned (Cambridge Analytica) are in business to collect and data mine for whatever anyone will pay them for. This means any and all online data. You'd have to be an undocumented alien to be without a trace in the system, somewhere. (Perhaps the reason a Honduran immigrant caravan is claimed as a threat?)
Alarming as this sounds, Frontline is missing the key point. Media in general has undergone an epic disruption. The claim that more people get their "news" from FB than traditional media channels is alarming. That's like getting your news from the checkout lane at the super market.
fwiw, media in any form has long been the medium for mass manipulation. It has been viewed as the voice of the people when suppressed by the state or the voice of the state when controlled by the state.
What originated as a social media platform has become a defacto and disruptive news distribution platform. It's use/abuse is beyond the control of it's creators. Frontline exposed their inability to grasp the significance of the issue. The challenge is not HOW to regain control, but WHO controls it? Zuckerberg and his clueless geeks? The US government? The Russians?
I have absolutely no use for paranoid "conspiracy theories" but imagine the Russians laughing all the way to the ballot box after beating Americans over the head with a club of their own invention. The Tower of Babel in a house divided will struggle to challenge any external threats in the rest of the world.
And if you really want to go down a rat hole, hasn't anybody had second thoughts about the recent appearance of the ancestry (re DNA) testing services? Consider what that information could be used for, say by insurance companies?
Zuckerberg and his minions claim to be idealistic or perhaps naive, but there is no algorithm for soul. Music has a far better track record for creating community, bringing people together and addressing issues that matter to human beings.
2018/11/01 18:14:56
By deleting my account, I say I deleted every post, every picture, membership, friends with a plugin for firefox. It took 3 days because it crasced every now and then, and i had to restart it the monthe prior to the crash so it didn't just stop. Don't remember the name of the plugin.
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