Biodiode- I never liked "meanders" as a description of one of my tracks, but I must admit. It does a little and could use a lift of some kind. Thanks for commenting.
Tom- I plan to put up the screen shot in the future. I think I was aiming more for classical instead of epic in terms of dynamics. Seems similar to limiting and the loudness wars. If I don't make it dynamically epic it won't stand out. I tracked into the master bus at -6db or less. I used some automation. I have another example here of a more epic track I did here- went too far the other way there. Thanks for your comments.
Bjorn- Thank you for your comments. Word about the creatures wasn't supposed to get out.
Bill- Thank you for listening. Believe it or not the meaning of the term "Celtic" is argued by Irish and Scots all the time. The Irish folk musicians think the genre is a made up thing. The only real Irish music in their minds is Irish folk music. Some theorize it came along with Enya and the like. Some of that is true in terms of introduction into mainline modern music. I see it more as the music that was before Irish folk music came along or they might have been companions along the line. The only connection to folk types is probably the modal types. Celtic is usually slower though. Irish folk is more like drinking tunes.