Sure. This link provides all the contact info needed: You won't be disappointed with SCVA itself. In the 90's I had the SC-88 hardware, but never upgraded to Pro or SC-8820. This software contains ALL of it. The downside with MC or Sonar, as mentioned on the Roland site is, "you cannot use control changes to make correct bank selections and program changes". I'm still working on how to deal with that, but it CAN be done in another DAW that I won't mention publicly because this is, after all, the MC forum. :)
However, even in the DAW where things work fully, there is an issue with tone map changing that doesn't seem to be working well.
In any case, if your main concern (like myself) is to have use of the Sound Canvas sounds, it's 100% spot on, and is still quite functional in MC if the limitations aren't a huge issue for you. Oh, and it's compatible with Mac OS X 10.8.5 or later; for Windows, only 7 SP1, 8/8.1, and 10 are supported.