WibblesCentral London is 98.5% tourist (who seem to think the best time to travel on the Tube is during rush hour).
Glyn BarnesLondon phone boxes have three functions.Urinals for drunks.Space for posting prostitute's calling cards.Phone calls.Mobile phones and the internet have diminished their importance for the last two, but not the first.
ØSkaldIf it gets really bad you can always call: 0118 999 881 999 119 725 3.
jyoung60eph221Who cares what happens in London, krikey!Most Londoners.
eph221Who cares what happens in London, krikey!
paulojyoung60eph221Who cares what happens in London, krikey!Most Londoners.Nobody cares about them. It's all jellied eels and running up the apples and pears in that place. Weirdos the lot of 'em.