2017/11/10 15:31:14
That is some review, Moshkito, and thanks again. In fact I am blushing a bit now haha!
I am very much in the experimentation process at the moment. I haven't done anything like the one you heard for a bit though as I have gone even more into the world of soundscapes and drones.
Big thanks again for listening and taking the time to review

If you check my website, you will find that I review foreign film a lot and a lot of music.  And some books, of course that relate to the subject. However, one of the hard and harshest things to do in a review, as an example, is do a review of FilmX and say something like this is a Bunuel-styled film ... and today's audience has never even seen a scene from Bunuel, and has no idea what that means. As such, it breaks the review and brings down the art in the piece, and that, to me, is counter productive to the whole process ... what is the point of reviewing something, if you are only putting it down, and you are making it like it's not worth listening/seeing, and you should instead go watch Kurosawa films from the 60's and 70's instead ... which, of course, would bore most audiences today, because these films do not have the "action/adventure" that so many film go'ers like to enjoy today.
My writing, in both film and music, tends to show a historical point of view, but that means I also have to clarify that point ... and that is not always easy. But it makes for a much stronger review in the end, instead of a lush/fluff/kissypoo fan-fest of words, which is what you and I read the most these days.
In the case of the CH, most of them do not like to read these reviews, and sometimes will disagree, but again, not all of them are as well versed in listening ... at least in their words ... they only talk about one thing (so to speak - which suggests a lack of variety!), and one would hope. I have no issue with someone loving AC/DC, but when they think every thing else is trash compared to them, I draw the line.
And this is the problem with electronic music, going as far back as the moron that stated that Tangerine Dream sounded like "washing machine music" (in Rolling Stone, no less!!!!! ought to say something about their listening habits!!!!) ... and my friend and room mate, who was on the air playing imports at the time, and all these strange and different things (look up Space Pirate Radio), immediately played quite a bit of sound effects ... so that you could see the difference, and how far off that person was in the first place, and should not have been reviewing something that he no ear for in the first place.
That has always stuck with me ... I simply try hard to not be that inconsiderate, but I will joke that Eric can only play one thing and he is not my kind of guitarist ... but that does not say much of anything about "blues" and such, and I happen to enjoy tremendously folks like Stevie Ray Vaughn whom I got to see with Robert Cray, and he was one of the best at "flowing" ... something that most people are afraid to do with music! Very visible in this board ... all you hear is songs, just about!
I have really not heard enough of your work, and will make a point of catching some more ... I'll let you know if I can put something up about it or not ... my stack of films to still see and review if over 20 and I have not even started writing some music reviews and books I want to get done ... and of course that Edgar Froese book, when it arrives by snail mail via the bottom of the ocean!
Nice to see someone simply create these things though, like you are ... it's more of a testament to the person and his/her art ... and that's saying something!
2017/11/10 16:02:53

2017/11/11 15:46:52
Just a little tribute to my grandfather, Sidney Evans, on Armistice Day.

2017/11/13 20:27:20
Glyn Barnes
Beth Hart and Joe Bonamassa - Close to my Fire.

2017/11/14 17:00:03
Voda La Void

2017/11/14 19:12:31
Glyn Barnes

2017/11/15 20:50:27
Glyn Barnes
One of my favorite Bob Dylan songs, done here by Joan Baez.

Contains a verse missing on the "Blood on the Tracks" version.
2017/11/15 21:40:38
Speaking of great Bob Dylan covers, here's a great one of Senor by Tim O'Brien

But I actually prefer the live version O'Brien did with John Doyle, in this video at 28:25 or so:

Speaking of John Doyle, I love this track he did with Kate Rusby, truly haunting. 

2017/11/17 19:18:21
Just watched the first episode of the new Peaky Blinders. Love the theme song.

2017/11/17 19:38:12
Voda La Void


Got all of their studio albums... Good band...
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