2018/11/15 00:41:57
I started this doc b/c I'm curious which guitar fx are popular with owners. 
I want to grow my collection and hope to learn from what others use.
Feel free to add to the spreadsheet in the link above or just reply to the post.
2018/11/15 17:46:18
I've had a billion of them and sold most when I got a Fractal Axe FX II.
The ones I kept include (but not limited to):
Skreddy Top Fuel
TC Electronics Stereo Chorus/Flanger
1st Edition Small Stone Phaser
Old Memory Man (replaced the chips to reduce noise)
Echoplex EP 3 (not a pedal, but AWESOME)
The one pedal I sold that I might get again:
4 knob Tube Driver
It's a fun rabbit hole to go down! :) My new rabbit hole is rack gear...
2018/11/15 17:53:03
My favorite pedals that are long gone were:
Westbury "The Tube" overdrive. Had a 12AX7 in it. Killer sound...
Ross Flanger from the late 70s. I've never been able to replicate the sweet sound of that flanger.
I was young and dumb when I got rid of those two stomps. Wish I had them back.
One thing I DO still have is my Roger Mayer Rocket FX Octavia. Just like the one Jimi used. Nothing else sounds quite like it.
2018/11/15 18:04:48
I saw this last night and made me think a bit. Since multi-FX boards came out, I haven't thought of stomp boxes per se, so the only two that came to mind were:
Wah Pedal - no Multi-FX boards I have ever owned can do this simple feature properly - Dunlop Cry Baby
Talkbox - Another feature Multi-FX boards don't often have - I actually made one based on this "Dual duty Talkbox" video. I happened to walk past crappy megaphones on clearance last Christmas, snagged one on impulse for the horn driver, but didn't built the amp up till 4 months later.
Neither of the above are "regular use" items, but I can see folks who gig regularly having a real pedal board setup. I am much more ITB these days just for simplicity sake.
2018/11/15 23:59:27
Thanks! Interesting food for thought.
2018/11/16 00:46:28
Oh that reminds me. I forgot about my good ol' Vox 847 chrome top wah. Also a favorite of Jimi's. :)
2018/11/16 02:24:48
You've got some awesome gear, lead foot.
2018/11/16 02:25:02
Favorite's so far are
RYRA Clone
Belle Epoch Delay with preamp
Obscura Altered Delay
Love sqeeze Compressor
Earthquake Hoof Fuzz

As far as distortion and overdrive pedals I have around seven of them but none are a favorite. I haven't found that one great distortion/overdrive yet so last night I bought the original Tube Driver 911 with the bias upgrade made by BK Butler hoping that this one will do it for me.
2018/11/16 11:13:10
I quit using "stomp boxes" when I got a Line 6 POD X3.  I use the POD X3 for effects only, no amp modeling. I have my main "digital delay" and "Spring Reverb".  I have others for Chorus, Leslie Sim, Phase Shifter, Tremolo and Fuzz.
2018/11/16 11:43:50
I quit using "stomp boxes" when I got a Line 6 POD X3.  I use the POD X3 for effects only, no amp modeling. I have my main "digital delay" and "Spring Reverb".  I have others for Chorus, Leslie Sim, Phase Shifter, Tremolo and Fuzz.

Similar thing here. Got really sick of patch cables, batteries, the time & hassle taken to switch between sounds etc.
I first moved on to an Alesis Quadraverb GT with a midimate pedal board, then a Roland GP16 / FC100 II, then finally a Roland VG88 which is what I use now for the most part.
When recording, I record 3 tracks: the stereo effected output from the VG88, plus the mono dry guitar output.
This gives me the options of going with my original guitar sound, starting again from scratch using by putting the dry signal through plugins and/or external inserts, or a combination of both.
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