After I built a diyre reamp box, i started adding th3 stomp boxes to my chain to my real amplifier. I have an fcb1010 pedal board. This means I can try pretty much any pedal I want. Because I only have 1 reamp box, I only have 1 insert point in my pedal chain, but it doesn't have to go first. Honestly, I do tend to put it first. This means i can put the fx from the computer before one thing and after another if I want.
I like using the smallest hint of expander with a little parallel compression too, when playing clean. I use my hardware compressor and my rme expander.
I could probably figure out how to turn the compression on and off with the fcb1010, but I haven't done that yet.
It is interesting to hear the difference between my real screamer and the th3 equivalent. Lots of learning without spending any money.
Now here is where there is a leak in the financial boat. Earthquaker. I've picked up three this year. Hummingbird, sea machine and transmisser. I mess with them for hours.