I haven't used any Eridols but I have some experience with the Zoom recorder built-in mics. It seems to me that most of the field recorder-style small built-in mics can be pretty good (for what they are) with distance recording but can seem pretty hard and spitty/high-endy for any close-up applications (which makes sense, since they're voiced for distance sources.) You also don't have any flexibility in terms of the stereo image itself (which is another reason to go with two individual matched mics versus a single stereo mic, in my opinion).
Sorry, I wish I could recommend something easily available in Italy! When my wife and I were there in 2012-2013 we didn't do much else but busk a few hours a day and go to museums, so no gear shopping for us :)
These MXL SDCs sound good on piano, and have two capsules, one cardioid and one omni (have a pair of the card-only version, which I still use when doing a full-band setup--say, the MXLs on drum OHs and the Isks on piano). And most importantly, they are available in Italy--