• Techniques
  • CAL script to eliminate "quiet" notes?
2017/09/03 22:25:27
Got some midi drum from my e-set and I have a lot of "ghost notes" with a velocity below 25 I'd like to get rid of.
Any thoughts?
2017/09/04 00:47:26
I'm sure a CAL script could do this but it might be easier to just use Edit Select By Filter.  Like this:
Open the event list on the track (I think you can do it in the Piano Roll too but I found it confusing to see if what I wanted was selected there).
Ctrl-A to select everything (or Edit->Select All)
Then Edit->Select By Filter
In the dialog that comes up uncheck everything except Notes and in the Velocity part of Notes put the range you want to select, so say 0 to 25.  Hit OK.
Now only the low velocity notes should be selected, then do Edit->Delete

2017/09/05 01:41:26
Cool! Never knew this. Should work for duration too, eh?
2017/09/05 11:08:52
Yep, the selection rules can include duration.  So you could find super short notes that were keyboard mistakes. 
It is the most confusing dialog in SONAR, but it does have a bunch of very powerful features.
2017/09/05 12:19:12
There is a cal script for guitar players that tries to remove accidental midi notes.
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