If the studio is going in a living room, and if you're pretty good at dealing with wire runs (which you obviously are), allow me to suggest for consideration an idea I've been kicking around for awhile:
Forget about the typical "office-style" setup for a control room and consider the possibility of a "living room" style studio, where you sit on the couch and have a computer keyboard/control surface on the coffee-table or on your lap or whatever, and your rackmount gear like end-tables on casters or some such. The TV screen becomes your computer monitor.
Computer-based recording makes such a setup entirely possible, and may provide a better listening position than the traditional face-in-front-of-a-computer screen setup. It could also make the room more comfortable and more versatile, both for recording purposes and for general hanging out.
There are obviously a lot of peripheral considerations, for instance if you use a large-format mixing console it would probably be impractical. But if you're a home producer working mostly or entirely in the box, then all you really need in reach is a keyboard, mouse, a patchbay and maybe a few of pieces of rackmount gear. Instruments and such could be set up to create a comfortable jam room.
Not so much a recommendation, just an idea to consider.