It's been a rough year for ole Beeps. Essentially reduced to minimal movement due to lack of doctorb supervision. FINALLY I have some reasonable access to medical professionals again though. It took a trip to the hospital to shake things loose and by kismet, karma, entropy smiling on me, etc the ER doc told me of a clinic that was opening up LITERALLY the next day to which I am now a registered patient of. Bonus Points: It is right around the corner from me so if there ain't snow on the ground I can use the gimpmobile to roll my arse down there sans busses or other annoying shenanigans.
It's gonna take some work for me to get back up to "fighting" strength again but I seem to be improving already. It has also allowed me time to rest, contemplate and review that little opus I've been rattling about for so long. It's been helpful taking my ears off it for a bit but extremely annoying I haven't been able to actually WORK on it.
Stoopid gimp arse body.
Anyhoo... I've missed blathering at ya'll.