Pointing out the flaws and helping me improve my craft is a great idea. But, just because there are flaws shouldn't all of a sudden deem my music as nothing great and catchy. For example, I could take a powerful portion of a song by Michael Jackson, repeat it to drag it on for too long, and I could add some flaws to it such as crackles, pops, and make it low quality sound.
Even though it's just a short tune of MJ's music, isn't a full song, and has many flaws, it would still be great, catchy, and would still convey powerful, memorable, profound emotion. Even if MJ himself created just a short tune with some flaws and shared that, it would still be great.
This is what I mean here when I say that people need to appreciate the greatness and catchiness of music because I should be able to share short tunes that have flaws and still have them deemed as great, catchy tunes. Making a fully crafted, flawless song would, therefore, be something completely optional.
Sure, making a full song without flaws would make my music much better. But it's optional and isn't necessary to make my music great. As long as my music meets the minimal requirements to convey its greatness and catchiness, then that should be good enough for my music to be great and catchy.