2015/10/08 16:14:02
I have music creator
I had this happen once before and don't have any idea what I did to fix it. I am recording a line in on a song and although it continues to record and show me a wave form, when I'm done recording and try to play it back it stops at measure 89 and the wave form disappears at that measure.  When I play back and looks like there is no more of the song left even if I drag the track out. I've checked that I'm not recording an audio punch in section but that's not checked. Why does it keep cutting my recording off at measure 89!?!?!?!
Even more interesting, If I go into the files for the recording it saves the line in recording as a .wav.  If I play it from the actual .wav file that is stored in the project I can hear the whole song. But loaded into Cakewalk it stops at measure 89.  Come on here folks, someone has to have an answer!
2015/10/09 02:13:00
Kalle Rantaaho
Welcome to the forum!
You really start with a weird one :o) I don't think I've ever heard of such a "reversed end-of-the-song issue"
-Have you checked that the clip is not accidentally slip-edited? (drag the end of the clip longer)
-If that's not the problem, you could also try drag copying the clip to another track to see if
it behaves similarily.
-Have you tried starting a recording at bar 90 on the same, or another track? What happens?
If the playback scrolling really stops, not only gets muted, and the waveform also visually ends at bar 89, then it's very unlikely that this is caused by accidental automation.
I do understand your explanation so that the whole clip ends at bar 89, not only the waveform image inside it.
2015/10/20 22:59:09
Same problem with me. I've had Cakewalk for about 10 years, be through a few versions. Installed Professional in my brand new HP laptop with 1TB HD and 6GB ram and there's not much else installed so there should be no problems with the computer. Recorded a song and the playback stops at 3 minutes 27 seconds. I can drag the end of the clip but there is nothing there. Went to the audio file to play back the raw audio in another program, the default is Groove Music, and it plays complete, a full 4 minutes and 22 seconds. Imported the track back into Sonar Professional and all 4:22 is there...go figure. Any ideas?
2015/10/21 18:08:34
try putting an automation envelope on one of the tracks,
let it play out past the end of the last wave form and put a node on it.
2015/10/22 08:43:28
Batsbrew, your getting too specific to one song. I don't want to do something special with each song.
I figured there must be a setting somewhere that isn't right so I started adjusting settings. I'll admit, I don't know what all the settings are for so I tried to adjust something, try to record, didn't like the results, changed that setting back then adjusted another. Then it dawned on me that I had previously adjusted the latency to be as low as possible. I re-adjusted the latency and now it works. So the problem was latency. Didn't have time to experiment more. Will post later.
2015/11/02 01:51:15
This is interesting. I have MC6 & MC7 and have not had this issue. I guess it depends on the Audio Interface and the driver used.
I have mine or less than 14ms latency with 256 sample buffer size.
But, good to know the solution.
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