2015/09/30 15:04:04
What I do, and it's a little involved (and others probably do it a faster, easier way) is:
In the Piano Roll View (PRV), you click on the drum name or piano key note of one of your drums. That should select all the notes of that drum sound.
Back to the Track view, right-click and select Edit>Copy. That should copy only the selected notes.
Paste them into a new MIDI track.
Do this for each drum in the drum track.
Set each new track to a different channel. Go to Preferences>MIDI>Instruments and assign all the channels you need for the drum kit to General MIDI Drums.
That should give you all your drums on different tracks, using different channels and playing back through your keyboard.
Mute or Archive the original drum track.
Note: I'm using an ancient program and some of the stuff I do may be accessed differently in MC 7.
2015/09/30 17:23:41
Thanks Greg,
That is exactly what I did and it works great. A bit of a process, but I only need to do it once.
Now, back to recording my song.
2015/10/01 23:08:51
Thanks Bob, that is exactly how I do it (with my other DAW) and it only makes sense to do it that way, to have full control of the drum set.
My question was, how would you 'mute' all except single drum kit piece? so only say, the kick drum is played, recorded to a new audio track, then play the snare only and record that onto a new audio track? and so on.
That was the only reason to explode the MIDI drum track.
In PreSonus Studio One, I can explode the drum track 'pitches to track', then I have new 6 or 7 midi tracks (depending on the number of key notes used) that are individual drum kit pieces. Than it is matter of solo-ing each and playing MIDI, recording audio. It makes it easy to even edit some of the MIDI data for added variation of the composition at certain parts of the song.
I think we are talking about the same thing, but in 2 different angles. .
Wish I could right click on the piano roll and solo/or mute all notes on the timeline of a piano key...

Just mute the desired audio tracks or solo the audio track for the one kit piece you wish to hear.  Even though all drums are present in the midi track, if you mute all of the separate audio tracks except perhaps the kick drum, you will only hear the kick drum actually playing.  I do this all the time, and never ever never nope nuh uh no way do I ever have to split out any drum midi data in order to accomplish this.  Since each drum kit piece is routed to its very own output channel in the drum synth, and then there is a separate audio track set up to pick up the audio from a single kit piece's output from the drum synth, then I have complete and total control over the audio for each drum kit piece, through all of those audio tracks, and that includes effects and solo/mute, etc...
I hope that helps, 
Bob Bone
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