Hi there,
I've recently bought and set up a home studio with a pair of Yamaha's HS8, Novation Audiohub 2x4 and Rean connectors.
At first I was experiencing constant cracks, pops and slowed audio playback.
I researched the internet thoroughly and found similar issues but not with this Audiohub in particular, but with other interface brands as well (e.g. Focusrite, to which Novation is the same inside, yeah).
I mingled with the Windows 10 options and settings in accordance to what I researched on the internet about this problem, and I finally made it go away when I connected my Audiohub to a 3.0 port on my motherboard which was weird to say the least.
Now, I'm having other issues. For instance, whenever I restart my PC, get back into Windows and start playing something, I only hear some absolutely horrible high-pitched noise through my monitors and it doesn't go away until I either switch between audio sources (within windows playback devices) or I switch through the Audiohub's driver presets regarding latency/bitrate.
Second issue is that after a little while the Audiohub gets disconnected from Windows and I get an error something like ''stopped working, malfunctioned, bla bla''. I need to unplug and plub back in the interface USB. And yes, the Power management for the USB hubs are not set to power savings.
3rd and last issue is that with all good and dandy, I still hear some subtle cracks and pops from time to time during music playback, and it makes me think this Audiohub is the issue again.
I still have a few days if I am to return this interface, so please, anyone with some helpful insight on this, I would immensely appreciate any help in fixing this.
Otherwise, please recommend me something within similar budget if I am to have absolutely no luck with Novation.
I'm on the AMD platform, by the way.
I'll be around to help with further info if need be.
Thank you