Another thought that I have had, regarding this method is, you lose out on that feeling you get when you are "fighting" the guitar/amp not to feedback, if you know what I mean... It's right on the edge and you know that if you let it, the strings would scream, but they don't because you are holding it back with your hands on the neck and at the bridge.
It's hard for me to explain, because, although I have been trying to play guitar, I've never been that good and most of the time I have simply DI'd. But, when I was in my early twenties and I didn't care much about my neighbours, I turned my Park amp up to that point I am trying to explain, and it sounded a whole lot different, and the guitar played a lot different, with the interaction between the sound from the amp, trying to set the stings to vibrate, and back through the pick-up and so on.
With this method, you will lose that "feeling."
Does any of that make sense?