I think you need the volume to play with feedback, and that's going to be problematic if you've got neighbours. I don't think there's a quiet way to do that.
Unless perhaps there's a way to route inside Sonar that would give you the feedback...
Guitar "feedback" - the kind of self-sustaining note kind not random squeals from unpotted pickups - has at least as much to do with gain as it does volume.
I can kick my SG into it in front of nearfields running at 85dBA fed by a Sansamp pedal pretty easily, and yes, it records as guitar feedback even though there's no mic involved. Because that kind of feedback has nothing to do with the kind you get when a mic picks up it's own signal.
I can do a similar trick using a sub-one Watt guitar amp and a 10" Greenback so long as there's something like a Muff or cranked Fuzz Face involved. And the noise is barely audible through house plasterboard walls or doors even though it feels like it ought to be. It's amazing just how big and loud a good quarter or half Watt amp can sound and feel.
To get power amp overdrive amps do need to be cranked a bit. Which is why anything usable on stage doesn't sound so good at domestic levels. Even 5 Watt "home practice amps" are really only half as loud as a 50 Watter through the same speaker. An awful lot of good music has been recorded using overdriving Tweed and Blackface era Fender Champs and similar small combos.