I've tried searching on this topic & have found nada, so I'm resurrecting an ancient thread. Must be an obscure issue I guess.
I have MC6 build 5.0, and I created a new 16 track audio project. I then started inserting tracks via the "insert from track template" - I added maybe 7 or 8 and they all worked fine both independently & together (using AKAI MPK Mini).
When I attempted to load the next template, I got the "loading the track template would have exceeded Music Creator limits. Load Failed" error.
At that point I deleted all the other templates I had inserted, and cut down the # of audio tracks to 7 (none are using any sort of audio effects or eq). But I still get the same error when I try to load a new template. I saved the file and restarted MC6 but the error repeats. I
can insert a template onto other projects...just not this one...it's as if once the limit is reached, it doesn't reset. Is there some sort of a project configuration file that I can edit to manually reset this?
Any advice?