2015/08/03 16:04:44
I was trying to export a couple tracks  as a .wav file but only one (trk 1) would convert and be viable to hear outside of MC5.  The second track (which was a clone of another track not required) was set (outputs) same as trk 1...but would never export as expected with trk1.   I tried various settings in the export window ...ie the mix enables ..etc.    I suspect the problem has to do with the cloning ....but I am a bit stumped.  
Thoughts appreciated thanks...
2015/08/04 09:31:16
Did you select all tracks you wanted to export?
2015/08/04 09:32:23
in the export dialog box, did you select "TRACKS" as the source?  then select the two tracks in the window (bottom left).
2015/08/06 16:37:26
I have been away due to a family loss....thx for the reply...I will try your suggs....likely will help. ;-)
2015/08/10 10:03:35
well guys....I have exported before ...setting up for the entire mix which worked in the past but I am scratching my head here again.   When I select Tracks as the input ....I will only see the first track and or the last track listed in that box for selection.   I believe all the settings for all the tracks are the same as far as input/output.   Got me stumped....and even when I export with both tracks that are showing up ...only the last track is heard in the created wav file.  Said tracks are just a simple guitar or click track...nothing fancy going on.  Am I missing another way to select the tracks before hitting the export button??...ie highlighting ?(I don't have a mouse ...just touch pad and buttons).
  My workaround was just to drop the one track ontop of the other and was able to get the wav to play both..     I didn't try the bounce deal yet.... 
 I'm also likely going to upgrade to MC7 here soon as my next laptop is ready(my bro has a faster one for me to use for recording...though current is working fine).
Thanks for the input.
2015/08/10 12:29:43
Hi Steve,
I'm confused, are you wanting to export the entire mix or individual tracks?  you said only the last track is heard in the created wave file, so that would lead me to believe you're wanting the ENTIRE MIX exported, not individual wave files.
if you select TRACKS as your output source, each of the tracks you select in that window will export as a SEPARATE wave file, which is what I thought you were wanting to do, thus my advice above.  but if you're wanting to hear everything, then select ENTIRE MIX as the output instead.
2015/08/10 15:01:50
I tried entire mix first...with all but the 2 tracks I needed set on mute.  This has worked before for me.  This time it did not so I tried clicking the track input button....thinking this would show all the tracks(?) or at least the 2 that were not muted(?) ...or at least the first track...but it mainly would only show the last track as an option to export as a wav. file.
 To be clear....I have 5 tracks...but only want 2 of them to be exported as a wav together...I thought they would all show up in that box and I would highlight the 2 I need?  Am I just mistaken?   I just don't know my variable going on here as I have done this with the entire mix before with success.    I will work on it some more this eve....please don't lose sleep over it ..lol... but I do appreciate the feedback.   Maybe MC7 is more streamlined or basically the same processes regarding this and such ? 
2015/08/11 08:48:46
I don't understand which button you're talking about when you say you clicked on the "track input button...thinking this would show all the tracks"?
The best way to mix 2 tracks out of 5 and export them to 1 wave file is to MUTE the 3 tracks you do not want to have in the export, then select all of the tracks and export as ENTIRE MIX.
I'm thinking that there's something we're not communicating well to each other and this should be a simple thing but we're losing it in the translation of the forum since I can't see exactly what you're talking about and you might be using the wrong terminology for some things.  this should be a very easy process.
2015/08/11 10:19:24
Thanks for hanging in there with me Beagle....I appreciate it.
I seem to have confused myself as well as others but I think im ok now.
I wasn't realizing(forgot...lol) when the tracks are muted ...they don't show up in that box to pick them...I was chasing my own tail.  I also was not selecting(highlighting) the tracks as I thought I had at times.... just a bonehead moment here...
2015/08/11 16:40:28
no problem!  glad you figured it out!
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