the info available for the Motor 61 suggests it is compatible "with all your favourite DAWS". Well it ain't.
The info and the device comes from Behringer. It is not "compatible" with Sonar because they have not implemented Mackie handshake correctly, unlike let say in X-Touch. They have decided not to invest a single cent for the compatibility "with any DAW", they just imitate Mackie Control Unit. Most DAWs "tolerate" incomplete emulation, Sonar does not. So, Behringer has produced and sold you the device. With bug. Without checking it really works with "all DAWs". So send your complains to Behringer, the company which has got your money.
Why is it better to say "surfaces without special Sonar integrations" that sound like business jargon to me. Better to say "incompatible" I suggest , because that is what it is.
"Incompatible" means "can not work with". Any existing surface, Motör inclusive, can work with Sonar. For Motör, you can easily assign transport control using Cakewalk Generic surface.
What you are asking for is the integration and simplicity of such integration. So you ask for "special Sonar integration" (which sometimes does not exist or broken, as with Motör). My claim is EVERYTHING can be integrated with Sonar, thanks to Cakewalk Open Source Control Surface API.
Your claim is that Cakewalk should spend time and money to integrate every crap on the market, without any financial benefits, with very small audience (thanks to Sonar Analytic, they know exactly how many users have each surface). Cakewalk has decided to concentrate on particular solutions, with companies ready to cooperate. F.e. Console 1.
I am helping everyone to integrate whatever they wont, for free. For explained reason, commercial interest for such integration is zero. From the money you pay for the device, at least third (sometimes much more) is for software. The company does not send that money to Cakewalk or me. How you think Cakewalk or I should proceed?
PS. I forgot to mention, some controller producers explicitly forbid (!) integration. They want control themselves which DAW is integrated and which is not.