Sorry to pour water on all the sop & sentiment but I find it a bit insulting to make a non offer such as this.
I wonder how many have P5 and don't have SONAR? Is this really an offer of support. I would reckon that more Project 5 owners also have SONAR rather than not so it really makes this cross grade offer, a non-offer.
Its of no use to me and I bet the majority of us - This is what Cakewalk have said
"....we weren’t able to garner enough commercial success to make Project5 a viable product" indicating that there aren't that many users of P5 in the first place; relatively speaking of course.
As for the opening statement: "We regret to inform you that
as of today there will be no further development on Project5." Precisely what development has taken place since the 2.5 update. surely you mean that today is the day of announcement not the day that development has ceased. That day was quite some time ago.
Now I've got that off my chest.
I guess P5 will be bundled along with SONAR 9, and labelled as a great song development tool. Lately Cakewalk have been misrepresenting their support of loyal customers far too much in ways that benefit them not the loyal user, What with this crossgrade non-offer and the DimPro give away with S8, and selling the forum as a product feature in SONAR - Not too much loyalty in that that I can see but a lot off marketing hype that really amounts to diddly squat.