Hmmm, MUCH more expensive Mackie's is what I'm thinking, LoL, I don't see any reason why Mackie couldn't seriously drop the price on their units to at least stay a competitive cash cow. They certainly have gotten all their R&D investment money back in spades after the decades of pretty much being the only real universal game in town.
I still do really like and appreciate Mackie, and it certainly is and was more then fair of them to contribute and share their MCU protocol as a free open source MIDI platform, and ah yeah, a great deal of info intergraded in the control panel Help section.
Pssst, a bit more of the blank empty spaces left by Behringer's lack of documentation can be learned and applied to the X Touch by downloading a .pdf of the Mackie Universal Controller's op manual.
I still have the old Mackie extender which I'll hook up and use as an audio Buss mixer from time to time to export SONAR projects to Pro Tools, it really streamlines the process and helps insure I don't accidently export MIDI tracks but don't really have the desk real-estate to keep it there.
I've gotten so used to using the Fader Bank selector that to me it's more ergonomically efficient or tidy (in a less distracting way) I should say to easily find my way around the higher track groups.
But that's of course just me, as I tend to make a bit more of mess out of trying to automate that many tracks at once in a mix..
And it's worse when I have to straighten out someone else's automation train wreck.