Sorry, no pics of my current rig yet - but wanted to comment on the Line6 Helix. It's an amazing device. No, it won't replace my pedals and amplifiers - in the studio at least. I picked it up this past spring in preparation for the pit orchestra season, only to discover that none of the shows I played required an electric guitar. Oh well, there is next season.
I enjoy working with amplifiers and pedals, it's that hunt for the magic tone, and I still believe that I can get closer to what I hear in my head with the individual parts. But I also know that in a pit or (heaven help me) bar gig I'm the only one that really cares, and I'm too old to be lugging two amplifiers, two cabinets, a pedal board, the Vibratone, and multiple guitars. That's just silly!!
I can get more than close enough with the Helix, and it also addresses one of my complaints about the PodXT, I have always used two amplifiers (typically something "Fender-ish" and something "Marshall-ish". The Helix lets me do that. And it includes nearly every pedal type I can think of. I do have a Pigtronix Echolution inserted in the loop, and I'm considering inserting a handful of other pedals, but no more than I can fit on my old pedal board, which is still a bit large to lug, and the whole thing defeats the purpose of a single box I can carry in a backpack.
It ain't cheap, but I heartily recommend the Helis to any gigging guitar player!