2012/03/04 22:48:06
Just wondering how to record the crybaby pedal (in amplitube) while I'm using the wah effect with my mouse. So I record my track, then i apply the wah effect, but how to I actually record the wah effect of the foot pedal to manipulate the effect? Is there a "post-recorded track" record option?
2012/03/05 18:48:34
You'll probably have to automate it.
2012/03/06 00:02:11

Yes, you need to record the automation of the wah.
You can record (actually Write) automation for any synth or effect that makes automation available.
With Amplitube, you will need to go through a few setup steps to make that possible.
Obviously,you already have the Wah inserted (as stomp A?)
Now you have to make it visible to GTP4 to control the automation of the Wah.
Click the AUTOMATION button.
You will see the screen below (sort of):

In the screen shot, I have already stepped through the menu on the left, clicked ADD, and assigned the Wah to Param 1. Param 1 is what GTP will see. We'll get to that in a minute.
In your Track view, right click on the audio track where you have Amplitube inserted as an effect. Follow the Envelope path to Amplitube:

Click amplitube, and check Param 1.
This key step is where you dictate how Amplitube communicates automation with GTP4.

Now you can write automation to GTP from the Wah pedal.
Arm Automation Write (W in the track view) and hit Play(or the spacebar). Move the pedal with your mouse. As the Now Time marker progresses, your movement will be recorded and it will look something like this:

The whole thing looks more complicated than it really is, and it takes just a few seconds to set up.
Hope that helps.

2012/03/06 06:11:34

Nice one Bob
2012/03/06 14:51:16
Amazing walkthrough! I figured this out in 1 minute and already have it recorded first try. Your the man! I'll post the song in this thread when it's finished :)
2012/03/06 23:24:18
Glad to help, Zack.
You were thinking in the right direction, just needed a little guidance.
Looking forward to hearing your tune, but post it in the Songs forum.
You'll get more exposure, and helpful critique.

Thanks, Steve, it's been a while since I did one of these. Reminded me of the good old days here in the GT forum.
2012/03/07 07:27:37

Thanks, Steve, it's been a while since I did one of these. Reminded me of the good old days here in the GT forum.

Yes Bob, good times indeed.
I wonder what became of our mate Pete
2012/03/15 12:30:25
I tied an anchor to his foot and dropped him into the ocean.......
I wonder what became of our mate Pete

2012/03/16 23:24:14
Waste of a perfectly good anchor, Doc
2012/03/17 18:43:04
 He he!!
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