Here is my test process:
1) Recorded click track from an external Met. fed into a Saffire 18i20 USB mixer analog input and recorded on a Sonar track. This will be the master Met/Sync signal.
2) Fed the DAW output of this signal via ASIO back to an 18i20 digital input, then mixed it to an 18i20 analog output
3) Cabled the 18i20 analog output back to an 18i20 analog input
4) Set the input of a different Sonar track to this 18i20 analog input
5) Armed the new track and started recording while playing back the Met/Sync signal. You can see that in the video. The ASIO latency is visible (approx. 100 mS) until I pressed Stop. Then, Sonar immediately shifts the new track into alignment with the Met/Sync track.
For overdub recording and editing, an engineer will need to hear the recorded/synced tracks while punching new tracks. That will be done at the system latency delay - and that latency cannot change until the track recording process is complete.
Obviously, if the DAW is syncing the track in progress with the master track - that will kill the punch-in process. would be great for Cakewalk to just tell me how to prevent the track in progress from syncing to the master track until the track recording and re-recording has been completed.
I may have to team up with Guitar Center or Sweetwater to put pressure on Cakewalk to answer my question - which I am willing to do - because Sonar cannot be used under the condition I am describing.