2012/01/03 14:46:31
Hey all,
So I'm in a cover band and we'll be using Cakewalk Pro Audio 7.0 through a Sonic Cell to the main mixer for midi backing track use. I have figured out how to add the click track. (Simple copy/Paste) and splitting/combining tracks. I also know how to set up track channels/sources etc. What I need to know is how to edit the separete backing tracks or all track at once. e.g.:Lengthening or adding repeating parts (altering intro's/outros)
 We'll also be performing the live versions to certain songs so I'll need to make adj there. Maybe using split/combine methods? We'll only be using 4-6 backing tracks in each song, like strings, keys, banjo, etc. Below is an image of a finished set of backing tracks will look like.
Thanks much!
2012/01/27 20:34:16
I am more familiar with Audio rather than MIDI, and with Pro Audio 9. Are you able to do "split points"? Not punch in or punch out, but rather creating, let's say for a part you want to edit, two splits. One before and one after the area being editted where you can add note data or control data with added timing elements to that area or deleting to remove or replace an area?

Also this might need to be done one track at a time. It's a suggestion based on what I know of PA9 and not 7 and also Digital Audio and not MIDI.
Sorry for the delay on a response, but I was waiting for someone that might know more than I do.
2012/02/05 13:31:33
Hi friends Iam Thomas. I brought a new laptop with windows 7 32 bit version. Now the problem iam facing i i cant use my cakewalk Pro Audio 9 completely. Initilly the problem was while opening cwpa9 the splash screen appears and it looks up! But i some how deleted the splash screen from the program file and managed that problem. Now comes the real problem ie i can not use ny of the options in Audio effects Eg: Audio effects-cakewalk-reverb. pitch shifter etc. Can anyone help me on this please.......
2012/02/05 13:47:19
From what I have read in other posts, the FX will not work in Windows 7.
PA9 was designed for Win 98 but it is fully functional in Win XP 32 bit.
If you have an additional harddrive and can install Win XP 32 bit then that will give you the ability to use PA9 fully.
2012/02/07 15:53:03
I ended up upgrading to Sonar 8.5. on a Win 7-64 bit laptop and got it figured out. Love it!
2012/02/07 21:35:56
Wish I had the finances to do that myself LoL
It would be nice to have both functioning PA9 and Sonars on two different O.S.'s.
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