[size=3 font="times new roman"]I recently installed Pyro5. First question is: Can this software get me to where I'm trying to go? Then: If so, how do I do it. If not, how close (and what steps do I take) can I get?
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[size=3 font="times new roman"]I have the software in the interest of digitizing all the vinyl records I own. I would like to record a side of an LP that has multiple tracks, do whatever we have to do, then burn it to a CD. Each track from the LP would have it's own track on the CD. If I could list the name of each song and associate it with the appropriate track that would be nice.
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[size=3 font="times new roman"]The post of Matthew Mirande from 4 years ago seems to address this except, because he is referring to Pyro Audio Creater. The controls/commands are a bit different, including he is referring to things I can't find on Pyro5.
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[size=3 font="times new roman"]Thank you.