2015/04/08 06:04:13
Ronan Wilson
Hi thanks to Guitarhacker and Bealge I'm now in business and got an MP3 loaded to my website but when downloaded it looks pretty grey, can I add text or a picture to the recording to pimp it up or does MP3 only allow audio?
Also in terms of keeping continuity of an audio voice only between takes do you have any tips, I suppose keeping a constant distance to the mic is a good start but is there anything else (without having to get to technical with settings). I don't want to record on one day then on another with a huge change in the recording quality of my narration if you get what I mean. Thanks again in advance.
2015/04/08 08:46:18
Use the same settings and learn the distance needed and how to work the mic.  If you're excited and talking loudly, back off a few more inches, if you are serious and talking low as if to confide some confidential info, come in close and speak softly. 
You can also experiment with  some limiters and compressors to help smooth out the discrepancies in the levels to some degree, but don't rely on them to do all the work and don't over apply the plugs. That sucks the life out of the track. 
Getting consistent results is critical and it took me a bit of time before I could turn on the studio and record an overdub part a week after the original recording and have it fit like a glove. It will likely take you some time but by following the rules about writing down the settings, and watching the speaking distance, you will have a consistent sound pretty quickly.
2015/04/08 09:55:30
Ronan Wilson
Hi thanks to Guitarhacker and Bealge I'm now in business and got an MP3 loaded to my website but when downloaded it looks pretty grey, can I add text or a picture to the recording to pimp it up or does MP3 only allow audio?

mp3's don't come with a jpg automatically.  what you need is software which will add ID3 tag info to the mp3.  this will embed the jpg into your mp3.  there are many programs which will add ID3 tag info to the mp3.  the cakewalk utility actually does that also, but it is limited to text tags such as title of the track, artist, copyright, genre, album, song number, etc and does not include jpg (or "album art")
so you want one which will add ID3 tag for "album art"
programs like Sony CD Architect will do this, but that program isn't cheap.  however, google it and you should be able to find some acceptable free or cheap programs which will add ID3 album art tags.
2015/04/10 20:32:03
A free (but donations will be accepted) program that can add photos or artwork to MP3 files is called MP3tag.   The program can also edit other file information like artist name, song title, genre or similar information used by media players.  The program is available at http://www.mp3tag.de/en/index.html
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