Thanks for the reply's fellas.
I appreciate it. I have a whole work flow that I've been doing for years. Maybe its time to "mix" it up (no pun).
I record and mix in separate locations. it's only rare I do an over dub in MY Control Room.
My Control Room is where all my mixing and mastering happens.
Take lane management is done at a separate time. that's something I like to have finished before I start mixing.
Im thinking of adding house keeping to that routine. Along with clean up, Melodyne fixes, exc.
This way when its time to mix, im simply just mixing.
When im doing my own projects, I will track out 12-15 songs and then after a few weeks begin the mix process.
Clients are totally different. All depends on their needs really. anything from 1- 10 songs.
I know 37 tracks might seem like a lot but when you get right down to it, its not.
Not all tracks are always playing at all times, sometimes 3 guitars come in on just a chorus (Each panned L/R + C)
to thicken it up. (typically 10 guitars with 6 graded in frequency) I have found to get a "Thick" guitar sound that grading EQ works wonders. Another 12 drum tracks alone. They add up.