Cactus Music
A mid 90's so is it a sound canvas? those were pretty cool in the day and I used one for my "band for a few years.. a mid 90's sound module in a way should be free :) . But I now see what you were wanting to do and that's a perfect solution. I still use my Korg o5W just like that. It is also about the same vintage.
Yeah, it's a Sound Canvas - I was surprised from the demos at how nice it actually sounds. A LOT better than some of the GM stuff built-on on soundcards, and it seems to be about on-par or a little better than TTS1, albeit lacking a number sounds and having a few really wonky sounds in comparison.
However I did get the idea of buying a Windows 10 tablet with USB ports, loading a VST host on there and using that. It's extra dangerous relying on a single 1/8" headphone jack-output and a 10' screen, but the fact that a host could run on there could make it an actual option for a live setup. It's been done with iPads... I *just might* give it a shot with my iPad and USB adapter to see how it could function.