2009/10/01 12:15:31
OK, so you've come here for the first time or you're back after an extended hiatus.
And you wonder, WTH is going on here?
You might be better off if you consider the CH like a Soap Opera.
Many players, many story lines intertwined (some interesting, some not so). If you miss one or two episodes you'll usually pick it up in a thread or two. But if you miss a few months or <diety> forbid, a year, you'll pick up some but not all of what's going on.
Now occasionally there will be a serious discussion. Consider those the commercial breaks.
Ready? Set?
Post your own "stream of nonesense" and within a day or two the CH will be your new addiction.
Long live the Coffee House.
2009/10/01 12:21:27
This thread has been moved to the outhouse:

2009/10/01 13:39:25
I had a  problem with a piece of software a while back. I will not mention the name because it turns out the glitch was due to a hardware problem. The software wrote out of sequence to high memory at a spot that had never been touched by ordinary software and crashed because of bad bytes there--thus being the only app that did not run on that computer. The software manufacturer did not offer free support, and its less than stellar knowledge base was not helping me. They also did not offer a hosted user to user support forum. So I started googling for support and ran into several unofficial forums on Yahoo, Google etc. What I found set me back. There were endless posts chatting about totally unrelated topics, people trying to arrange to go on vacation together, pictures of their cats etc. The few posts related to software problems were answered by people who clearly knew a lot less about the software than reading the skimpy manual or searching the company knowledge base would have provided. These forums were friendly chatty places where people who used the same software more or less were meeting friends online. The chatter truly did make them almost worthless as support forums. The coffee house is a way of giving people an opportunity to carry on irrelevant and meandering conversations without clogging up the other forums. The suggestion that the conversations be music related is not enforced, and people havef fun and make a lot of bad jokes here, and sometimes share a more of themselves than most of us want to deal with. This could equally well be hosted anywhere on the web, but by being closely integrated with the Cakewalk support forums gives us a cheap commute to the above pictured enclosure, and a place for the occasional moderator to dump something that he thinks does not belong somewhere else. Not a bad idea. 
2009/10/01 14:03:23
The CH is very similar to a 12 Step Recovery room.
We share a common bond and therefore (mostly) tolerate each other.
Occassionally we even get along.
Sometimes we even make some music together.
And sometimes some deep friendships develope.
Oh yeah, there's also a good row every once in a while, too.
But mostly we amuse each other (and ourselves).
2009/10/01 15:11:49
Hear hear!

And Ed, The Great Purge, like an natural or man made disaster brings out the best in people, and I realize now that the CH and you are fine the way they were and I shall complain about it or you no more.

2009/10/01 15:38:52
I don't understand....
2009/10/01 17:56:18

Lucy!!!!!   I am home!!!!


The Mertz's are coming over for bridge Lucy!
2009/10/01 18:41:00
If I hadn't gone, I wouldn't have went.
2009/10/01 22:02:53
First I had my coffee
Then I dealt with life
Then I had a beer or two
And someone took a swipe

And naturally I responded
Do you know what it's like?
To be anyone that isn't you
Living in this life

Comparison then started
Like and unlike
And it still goes on
To a growing throng

Tomorrow will come early
Peace to all of you tonight
2019/01/14 01:29:08
Andy Stone
Long live the Coffee House.

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