2015/10/15 17:08:06

Look at the example in the picture.
If for example I want to change the Peak/RMS, dB range and Peak hold functionality of playback, recording and bus meters it's a real P.I.T.A. needing 36 "steps/clicks" to get there because the menu auto-collapses after each click/selection.
It would be far more relaxing if the menu stayes open and then closes after losing focus
(especially for sub-sub-menu's like the metering one)
Other sub-sub-menu's like for example Process-ApplyEffect-Normalize do not need to behave like that as they open a seperate dialogbox and there would be no point in the menu staying expanded
I am not quite sure if this might be a windows behaviour issue but couldn't find anything.....if so; could someone please help me in the right direction to change it.
Edit: https://www.dropbox.com/s...after%20click.jpg?dl=0

Edit: Changed thread title from "Disable menu auto-collapse" to "Better metering settings (menu improvements)"
2015/10/15 19:15:29
I agree.  These should be dialogues that allow setting of all options before closing instead of a one-shot menu.
2015/10/16 13:50:47
I have made a couple feature requests for meters based on these exact issues. I'll vot for yours, you vote for mine. :)
2015/10/16 13:58:26
I have made a couple feature requests for meters based on these exact issues. I'll vot for yours, you vote for mine. :)

IMO, ALL of the multiple option menus should be converted.
2015/10/17 11:02:28
 It is very annoying.
2015/10/27 06:20:20
Or maybe the user would press a key (Alt, CTRL ?) before clicking on a choice to keep the menu open.
2015/10/29 05:14:45
Great one!  It's the kind of thing you get used to, but it can be incredibly frustrating to have to click 38 times as you describe.   Sometimes it seems like the programmers never actually use the program or they'd have never made it work this way. 
2015/10/29 10:13:42
Sometimes it seems like the programmers never actually use the program or they'd have never made it work this way. 

I often think that when I use some software or devices. Often about Microsoft or Google... I think "but the guy who did that never tried it!" because it's done in a non-logical way for example.
But about Cakewalk developers, I wouldn't say that because I know that most of them are authentic music fans and even musicians. But maybe they should observe more people using their (wonderful) software, they would see that things that seem easy or logical to the developers are sometimes confusing for the users.
2016/04/29 06:49:56
Currently we have to navigate through a menu for each and every change made to each and every meter option.
This can be tedious and time consuming if you make a lot of changes.
What if there was a window with all the options in one place where you can set up your meters the way you want and even make it default?

2016/04/29 14:41:47
And I really like your solution, well thought!
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