In English, values of notes are expressed as fractions: whole, 1/2, 1/4 and so on. Other languages however also have a set of names for each value, e.g. Italian uses "semibreve", "minima" etc., French uses "blanche", "noire", etc. and so on.
By peeking in our translation projects, I noticed that these languages are somewhat inconsistent: there are places where they follow English and use numeric values, and others where they use the local names.
I have gathered some feedback from experienced users, and the consensus is that numeric values are understood even by those who have a formal musical training, plus they are more immediately useful when dealing with quantizing, step sequencer, and so on. Finally, numbers save space: compare "1/64" to "semibiscroma" or "quadruple croche", and imagine them in a busy dialog.According to some users, the place to use note names, if at all, would be when working with scores.
So, my question: what is your preference? Would you like to see numbers used consistently? Would you save note names for some areas? Which areas exactly?
Thank you for your opinion. I will keep the question open for 6 weeks, and then work on elaborating and implementing the feedback - you should see the results by release 2016.12
Best regards,
Stefano Bellezza
Localization Manager