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2019/01/04 01:25:04
Oh crap
I have no idea why this went by under my understanding for all the years My dear father hid it well
You warned me to let sleeping dogs lie and I should have heeded your advice  I got to sift through this but you delivered a major mental turmoil for awhile
You did not add to grind it in deeper but Dirga Nidra karana manasi maranam on the next page My brain a laser onto this now and wondering if I have been on some powder puff fairy tale for nearly seventy years
All I can think of is that nether me nor thee has consumated the journey It is a philosophical he said versus she said problem
Heartbreak aspect of this is that yoga is supposed to be above secular religion It is supposed to be an intuitional science Therefore the fragments before Merger should be the same
I cannot trust that your opinion is any more valid than a tribal believer singing hymns to a tree god  Neither more than my understanding  What however can you help clear as to what has become of us  How did this happen and where are we  The bottom line is somebody screwed up big time  I have got to have my glass of wine couple tokes on some good weed Take a few walks around the block and try to put this all together I would really like to think that my mothers version of the story is real  You Ananda Marga warriors are so cold and barren  Your take on this is also among the minority of valid systems out there. Either they do not address the issue or their take is the opposite of what you are supporting What gives
You mentioned that you could provide a link to a commentary from a lady Acharya chapters one through four of Ananda Sutram Why did she not include chapter five  My fathers treasured copy of his Bible has all his penciled notes blood stains and damage when he used the book to swat a mosquito The text is about to disintegrate if I open the pages  I want to keep this with Moms copy of the Audobiography  I found the publisher and have a new copy of hardbound Ananda Sutram headed this way
Can you please send the link and your thoughts on how we ever let things get this distorted
2019/01/05 04:53:13
Hey Jyoti,
Did not want to be the bearer of bad news but this was inevitable.
As to the answer, it gets even worse and will make me a bad guy assaulting the convictions of another wanderer.
You got to understand that Yogananda was highly advanced as he penned his autobiography. Could probably walk on water where he was at. I don't deserve to walk in his shadow in comparison. However a student still. High aspirant closer to there than here but still on the esoteric learning curve and prone to errors in interpretation.
A big red flag should have come up in his autobiography when Shrii Yuktrshvar decided to transmit a glimpse of Salvation to Yogananda since the poor guy had tried so hard, suffered with the discipline and did everything according to the program.
Yukteshvar zapped him. I can only paraphrase, but Yogananda was blown away. When he came down to earth, Yogananda said that the experience was really cool, and what was next to get the ultimate experience. Yukteshvar said that was it, he already did experience it.
You can likely sense something wrong with this.
Yoga is dangerous. It follows greater or lesser thorns like your father said in the uphill ascent. The quest goes on well for years until unconscious data starts to envelope an imprint on the downhill 2D vibrational structures of mentation. In essence, engrams from across our timeless experience trying to make an imprint, deliver a message upon our waking and/or dreaming state of awareness. It is like floodgates being blasted apart and the current incarnational primitive mental complex doing what it can to resolve the input. We can only adapt so fast when Infinity is ripping apart our nervous system in the last fourth of the journey.
This results in various proxy presentations depending on our latent karmic load.
You are probably young enough to remember Edgar Cayce, Ameica's "Sleeping Prophet". For so many years his miraculous cures and advices from a trance state were attributed to channeling the Archangel Michael (whoever the hell he was). Then he got real and realized that there was no Michael. His ability was internal and needed no cloak to validate.
Same I think with Yogananda, so a couple thoughts as you wade through this.
You say you remember past lives, and I believe that you do. So forking refreshing to have someone here in what is left of this forum who Knows.
I ask you this then. In the progression of remembrance, what is your memory of the state in between.
Catch my drift?
Last thing the universe needs is an infinite number of defective personalities wandering around forever in some astral state or frying away in some hell tar pit forever.
You are also so completely correct that neither you or I have hit the max and so much still remains scriptural and a matter of faith.
Your philosophical base is way more charming and warm than mine like you said.
My advice to you would be to contact your instructors. Your initiators and teachers to study what is the current scriptural advice. It may be way different than what was initially in Yogananda's autobiography.
Also, you and me have been bouncing off each other for awhile since we totally hijacked and ruined this thread. Yogananda's teachings are biblical to many. I have only barely enough insight to comment on your practice. There may well be others around here who know more about the Kriyas and the philosophy who can explain better.
If so, please chime in and make this forum go out in a blaze of glory on a higher note.
  (will find the link if it is still active to the Acharya's commentary on Ananda Sutram. Chapter 5 was a radical shift to social reform. Ch 1-4 dealt with what we are and why we are here. Ch 5 dealt with if we can understand what we are and why we are here, then what do we do about it. The Acharya stopped before ch 5 to focus on the spiritual aspect of our place in creation. Would have liked to have read her analysis of Progressive Utilization Theory. There is incredible additional documentation on ch 5 if you are interested.)
2019/01/05 22:24:49
Hi Jyoti,
Found the link to Acharya Anandamitram's commentary on Ananda Sutram chapters 1-4. She left chapter 5 for another day or for someone else to tackle.
Her commentary is a bit hard to muddle through and must have been an old scan with early word recognition. English is mangled, what less what they did to the Sanskrit transliteration.
The historical references and comparisons kinda miss the forest for the trees making it harder to see the overall picture. My advice would be to use the original text as a guide. Understand the purport in English. Reference the Acharya's commentary to go forward with her explanation on things that were placed as a starting point to elucidate in other books. You might want to pick up "Idea and Ideology" by the original author that takes Ananda Sutram to the next level of depth. Then there are hundreds of books and articles that try to touch upon the tip of the iceberg after that.
Truly a heathen romp through things deep and outside the conceptual bearing of our culture. They never taught us any of this in high school. Hinduesque, yoga philosophy in a way that has never been explained before. I like your father's comment about the entire universe explained in a book one quarter inch thick. He was correct.
Only thing of importance however is the practical approach. Relentless practice to suspend the ego long enough to get a glimpse, and maybe fortunate enough to sustain the vision. There is a relation to your esoteric sitting practice of the Kriyas to one of our advanced lessons, so you got the power in your grasp, and has already taken you to a sublime state of awareness not even within the radar of dreams for most of us.
Any questions on the commentary, I am here as long as they keep the lights on. Be blessed.
2019/01/07 03:39:03
Thank you John
The interpretations do get thick beyond what needs to be there  I would relish the womans thoughts if I were a scholar of ancient Asian history
I do still have questions about the core tenets  A shiny new copy of Ananda Sutram is in the mail next week  I followed your recommendation and have ordered Idea and Ideology as well
You are on speed dial to bail me out
2019/01/11 01:10:06
So I have contacted the SRF teachers at our local center in Smyrna Georgia about the rift you have dumped upon my heart in twilight years
They are good souls but do not have a clue how to reconcile the differences  They claim that the Autobiography data and explanation is as current as they have any explanation for
It looks as if the forum is about to shut down so might as well inflame everything and go out in the blaze of glory
Ananda Sutram got me and my family in deep trouble and conflict when I was in second or third grade
The orthodox right was trying to save me from my parents  They were disturbed by our vegetarian diet This was a sin against god for rejecting his bounty of decaying cadavers
One major thing in the battle was the sutram on kundalinii and the force of negativity  Kundalinii sa mulbhuta rn atmika or something like that
This even creeps me out Translation is that the serpent is a force of negativity
Can you shed any redeeming Light on this  I cannot really blame the pagans for having a concern
2019/01/11 08:45:00
No rift dumping please.
2019/01/12 02:30:09
Hey Jyoti,
Like James said, No rift dumping, especially in these receding last days. Bad girl. But back to the blaze of glory...
The Sutra your respected father zeroed in on is one of my favorites. The intent, the revelation, the importance to the individual human condition is above the understanding of 99.99 percent of 2019 humanoid carbon infestations.
Kundalinii, coiled "serpentine" force is latent in the lowest bone of the sacrum. It represents for current human monkeys the last nadir of the involutionary process before things get turned around again and the ascent back home begins. Salvation to a rock and back to Salvation. The key to liberation from all bondage is there when properly managed. Relates more concentrated as to physiologic spread in the male of the species to the prostate gland, and more diffused in female primates, but still there. Sublime power in latency to escape the death experience for self aware life forms. Controlling hormones are four major chemicals, both in the male and female and serve the same introspective and extrospective functions. For the normal primate, the activity of this energy is enough to support self awareness and cognition of the waking state, but nothing else. Most are thrown into existence, grasping at a local religion for answers when an internal red flag comes up that they are headed toward dead meat. Hope that they will get the celestial virgins when they die, because page 32 says so. But by design, a deep doubt is always there.
I'm somewhat new at this. Rude and crude dude with less than 50 years practice. No Mother Theresa on this side of the cyber fence.
However the serpent description deals with the coiling of the psychophysical organ. I have to plead ignorance. Yes, it is there but cannot yet see the sacral holdout in the described coiling pattern. The Saints say it is there to observe if I can get clean enough. I'm too impure yet to have a clear vision.
Going back against the tide of involution (Sainchara). Thus force of "negativity".
Fully understand the ignorant assault of a current defective religion against you and your family. Treading lightly here, because what this thread turned into is not about religion.
In the celebration of misconceptions and no deeper understanding for those trying to save you, all the cards are loaded against the translation. You were just a spawn of the devil trying to actualize the serpent to evoke the forces of negativity. Or maybe your parents were the bad guys. The local dogma was just trying to rescue you as per their understanding. Can't be too harsh against them. They were trying to do what their scripture told them to do.
2019/01/13 01:09:22
Okay John  I get you
My battle more is with the English syntax and all things proper that led to an attack by the pagans
If the hidden subtle biologic fluid is there to facilitate the return arc of our journey, why is it labeled as a force of negativity because the intent is a good thing  Could they have also defined the energy as something else than a serpent  Then there is the feminine gender associated with the Force. Why a lady serpent loaded with negative energy is about to take over  I can imagine the pagans going through orgasms in excitement scrambling to get the head exorcist into the battle  This is what happened
As much as I respect Dad's text these issues do not sit well with the majority of the civilized world
Comments or clarifications?
2019/01/13 02:14:44
Hey Jyoti,
Trigunatmika strtimatrica ashesa trikon adharam
Original point of stress in the web giving rise to Creation an infinite time ago was defined in defective English language as the fundamental point of "positivity" since everything involved to rocks from that initial condensative implosion. Can explain deeper if needed.
Fight back struggle was considered to be "negative" against that primordial flow, even if the intent was good. Crude negative zenith in the human structure on this planet for evolving llfe forms is the kundalinii bio fluid carved into our subtle anatomical matrix in the last bone of the spinal column. Attempts to recede back to a subtle state against the ongoing necessity to create rocks is why the progress of individual evolution is called "negative". Rocks needed so to separate reception points of Infinity, then can be established as rudimentary pre viral life forms to start the endless path back Home..
Will probably get in trouble with the woman's lib movement, but the feminine gender of the introversial energy is secondary and under control of Cognition (Purusha). Just a literary thing to make a point because in our causal strata, the designation of male and female is way lost and abandoned. For literature stuff, like in the heathen presentations of Shiva and Shakti, Krishna and Radha, etc. No gender was ever meant to be taken literally.
Coiled serpent, yeah a bummer when colliding with the dead meat of current ape understanding and preloaded reaction as to where our culture is at. It is what they had to describe it thousands of years ago and the syntax stuck. There was no intent to irritate some pack of ignorant religious bigots.
Few thousand years up the line, the introversal force will be recognized by science and have a more modern label on it. For now, only a few blessed have experienced the power and glory although it is in the reach of every sentient being. For now, the concept and means to harness the energy is not endorsed by Trump. I know it is a frustrating drag to have been dumped off the banana boat too early and no one to listen to or understand.
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