Cakewalk's stock MackieControl is the way to go, however... the MackieControl surface support was developed years before ProChannel appeared, so it doesn't work out of the box.
Azslow3 did some modifications in his own branch to fix this (at least for the EQ and Compression modules), which I've incorporated into my branch:
SONAR / CbB 64 bit: SONAR 32 bit: To install:
1. Rename C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Surfaces\MackieControl.dll to MackieControl.dll.old
2. Copy the DLL from within the zip file to C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Surfaces\
Note: If you're running Windows 10, you may need to right click->properties and "Unblock" the dll.
There's no documentation on the Mackie Control commands - they're pretty much "hidden" in the implementation.
You can either use a MIDI monitor application, or look at the source code:
Cakewalk's original SDK: My branched version, with Azslow3's modifications merged in: