There was also a great download manager for FF that I used to use for big downloads, until FF broke it. I should check if it works again, because it was very helpful for multi-gigabyte sample library downloads (faster, and could resume failed downloads).
DownThemAll was the program. And no it's not working. The
site hasn't had a entry since Dec 2017 and when that entry was made it wasn't very promising. And as far as I can tell and from what I can gather, (and this is my summary of what I found out) something about the Chromium browser doesn't support the d/l'ing of files in the manner that we are all looking for. And there are a ton of us looking too!! The only thing I found for Chrome is was Chrono Download Manager and it's not much better than Chromes built in down loader.
I am using Edge on this site due to Chrome not working with all the extras. Go to last post, Go To Top button, and such. I am finding that Chrome is going the way of Internet Explorer in that MS tried to dictate what would happen on the web in the way that it wanted (anyone remembers Active X?) and now Google is dictating what will be supported in the Chromium browser everyone is moving to. Haven't been using FF lately but will give it a whirl soon.
...on my Windows phone (yes, I still have a windows phone)
I do too!! Still a damn good phone. And now the prices they want for new phones is really over the top. I mean 1K for a damn phone?