Basically if a set of headphones is closed back with no vent porting it will probably do some isolation.
Drums are very loud when played full out and you stand a chance of damaging your hearing by turning up non isolating cans to loud. Your hearing is worth a lot more than $30 , so I would go for a full isolating type.
Those Leafblowers models are certainly certified to do the job. Then you can put just about anything in there I guess. I'm even thinking you could remove the speakers from a damaged set of phones ( I got lots of those) and somehow mount them inside the hardware store cans. ( silicone?) Hmmm..$14.00 cool.
Another thing to remember is it is recommended you never use
any type of in ear buds with out protection circuits ( re = compressor) - in line with them. They too can damage your hearing if misused.