• Hardware
  • Best Control Surface for Sonar (p.2)
2016/03/10 03:01:15
Hi there:)
I have Behringer BCR2000 with AZSlow3 and the preset written by MarKo, here an overview:
24 Rotors and 16 knobs!
With Shift and Ctrl Buttons you got insane possibilities. there are some other special Buttons too:
In Normal Mode:
8 Rotors for:
Master Volume
Speed dial to for example get through number fields very faster than with the mouse buttons
ACT speed Rotor
Track Select
Zoom in 1 Track vertically
Zoom In Horizontically
Jog Rotor, slowly left and right
Position rotor, 1 bar left and right
8 Rotors Send 1 for Track 1-8, with shift send 1 Pan
8 Rotors Pan for Track 1-8, with shift Send 2
8 Rotors Volume Track 1-8
8 Buttons for Soloing Track 1-8, with shift Automation write enable
8 Buttons for Muting Track 1-8
On the right Side you have knobs to switch to Track 9-15 a.s.o.  the same knobs with shift button to switch to Tracks 2-9 a.s.o 
So it is easy to switch to every Track and have Solo/Mute/Pan/Volume/Send1
24-Track Mode: One Button on the right to switch the whole BCR to 24 Track Mode:
24 Rotors for Volume 1-24
with shift Pan for track 1-24
ProChannel Mode: One button at the right to switch to ProChannel Mode:
Rotors for EQ Frequenzy, Q-Factor and Gain
Rotors for Compressor all knobs
Rotors for Console emu
Rotors for Tube
Buttons for all Knobs for EQ, Comp, Tube and Console
Especially 8 Rotors for Send 1,2 , EQ Type, Side Freq, CE Type and with shift Volume for selected Track
Button at the right to switch the track 1-->2 -->3   ....  and for sure back, so it is easy to get through every track in Prochannel and work on it.
ACT Mode
For sure you have ACT Mode where you can assign every 24 rotors and 16 knobs to the plugins! Buttons to go through all inserted plugins.
On the right I have a lot more knobs for Solo Global and Mute Global, Ex-Solo, Dim-Solo, FitAllTracks, Switch between Bus and 
Tracks(!!!), Split, Split and delete, Gain Reduction and increase 1,2,3 ore more dB, Markers right left, stop, play, Tempo set,  set marker, set loop, loop on and off, fine Mode for to rotate in very small portions for every rotor.
And more, I surely forgot some knobs or functions but here is a picture of it:
Look at:
for more information about it.
I love to work with it, cause you very seldom need the mouse....
2016/03/10 13:46:06
V-Studio 700 was the best, but Roland no longer sells it. You might find one used.

It was. I just pushed Roland again to contact Roland Japan about getting Windows 10 drivers for it. If that happens, I might keep mine but not holding my breath. Already have everything disconnected and ready to be shipped if I decide to sell. I'm not going to wait forever but I figured I'd give them a few weeks to get back to me. I'd also recommend everyone who owns one of these to start emailing them as well to continue pushing for updated drivers.
The other option would be to get them to open source the system so others could develop drivers and software for it but I think we'd have better luck just getting them to release the drivers themselves than to open up the system.
2016/03/11 06:52:01
there are new drivers, but they are not downloadable. Just go to Tools or appliance manager (don't know the word in english) and renew your drivers. so it has been with V-Studio 100, it works pretty well in Win 10!
2016/03/12 21:17:46
there are new drivers, but they are not downloadable. Just go to Tools or appliance manager (don't know the word in english) and renew your drivers. so it has been with V-Studio 100, it works pretty well in Win 10!

This is news. Where did you hear about it? I just got a reply from Roland the other day saying they were going to talk to them about it again. I tried hooking up just the console the other night and it didn't download any new driver. Don't really want to get the rack hooked up again if it's not actually released.
2016/04/02 12:33:45
Eh hem, Getting back onto the issue. LunaTech I'm particularly interested in how the QU 24 integrates with Sonar. Could you tell me more? AZslow.com doesn't seem to be working at the moment...
The QU24 doesn't seem to have transport controls on it. Is there some way to do that with it?
I'm still keen to find something that replicates what I like about the FW-1884
- at least 24 faders
- combined audio interface with control surface
- transport controls incl jog wheel
There must be something else out there? 
2016/04/03 02:00:45
Eh hem, Getting back onto the issue. LunaTech I'm particularly interested in how the QU 24 integrates with Sonar. Could you tell me more? AZslow.com doesn't seem to be working at the moment...
The QU24 doesn't seem to have transport controls on it. Is there some way to do that with it?
I'm still keen to find something that replicates what I like about the FW-1884
- at least 24 faders
- combined audio interface with control surface
- transport controls incl jog wheel
There must be something else out there?

My web space provider periodically has problems... but the site is normally online.
For QU24:
* Faders have feedback, but as Control Surface they are low resolution (7bit) and not touch sensitive
* there is a group of buttons which can be assigned to do something, for example transport
* there is no encoders for strips, "Eq" encoders are not used as Control Surface (so, no pan, no plug-in parameters controls)
* no jog wheel
Unfortunately I do not any other 24 strip control surface solution apart from MCU Pro + 2x XT which is still in production.
2016/04/06 03:36:35
I've read that the QU24 is locked at 48.1 for audio and needs manual re-sampling if you're going to work with previous projects recorded at 44.1 (of which we've got thousands that we regularly access and work on) so I guess that rules that out. 
One of the things that worries me about the MCU route is not having a main monitor output on the control surface. As we're switching between different apps as well as sonar we're constantly needing it and if it's tucked under the desk on something like a MOTU 828 that's a world of pain. 
2016/05/03 22:14:59
Jesse G
I had a BCF2000 a while a go when they first came out and they were fine as emulating the MCU, but once you sit  down with a MCU or a MCU Pro, there is no way you can go back the the BCF or the BCR from Behringer,
Now the Behringer X Touch, that's a different beast as well as the Behringer X32 Pro..
2016/05/04 04:59:50
I hope there will be some surfaces with OSC support. Many DAWs (also Sonar) understand it already, and it does not has MIDI weak sides (most important for control surfaces are standardized text transmission, arbitrary number of possible hi precision controls and no limitation on hardware transfer speed). Many Digital Mixers already have "iPad app", so technically there is very small step to convert many proprietary solutions into one common interchangeable.
2016/05/05 11:22:48
A while back, I had looked at a control surface from Mixed Logic: http://mixedlogic.com/
It's got 24 motorized faders, 120 mm, for tracks, plus master and a jog wheel, and all of that sort of thing.
I just happened to notice that Sweetwater doesn't offer it anymore, but some other places seem to, so some research into its drivers and reviews seems prudent.
Bob Bone
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