2016/03/21 18:54:52
Sir Les
One more thing...Just saying...According to market policy and law...it is illegal to gain inside knowledge and use this to fix markets, or plan product projections, and plot for.
Is this underhandedly being done by OS win 10 and others now taking inside info from consumers and their habits in shopping methods and buys...?...Join in?..or do not Join in?...are choices!...seems MS win 10 has taken that away!.
I hope you understand that this if found in support of...could land people in prison!.and if tied to the public...what will happen if found so doing to the public letting it be done...supporters?...might be said they are in court!
Fixing markets is not a good idea...and in essesnce, although not said, or even known they do it.???..it is being done, and violates the world markets by breaking...Laws!...So choice?...is up to you?...not anymore if installing some things onto your systems that allows for that to be done!
Again Just saying...if talking policy and law!
2016/03/21 19:07:39
John T
Sir Les
Lies..I paid for my internet, and my computer, and my software...it is not free if it is in it...

None of that money goes to any of the services you list.
2016/03/21 19:10:16
John T
Sir Les
and to get that going...you need id, papers and a bank...cost.or fees or tax..Yep...and to be born...also a tax to be born into...and injected to be in...stamped property of Civil roman estates....Surely!...food to stay alive, also charged for...because they will not let me farm on the land I thought I owned when bought...but i have no rights to turn this land into a farm to have free food...without the poison or advertising.....So..we buy...and that is where it kind of all goes wrong...the consumer is only the buyer...never allowed to be the seller....You work for to be taxed, and over charged, and your ideas, sucked and robbed from you....Peasant is the word of them of the day!....you are only a cash cow as long as you allow it!..or be like them ,sell everything even your info...As they will only sell it back or to others when stolen or taken from you, or made into more things to sell from your info, if so used....Do the same!
as it is now seen they want that info ..regardless of your wants or unwants for it to be taken...it is...then a reason for this must be capitalistic in nature!...if they all are doing it....Join in.

Ah, hang on. I see. You're bananas. This whole conversation is a waste of time. Got it now.
2016/03/21 19:11:23
I think Les must be looking very much like his avatar at the moment....   
2016/03/21 20:47:24
Sir Les
and to get that going...you need id, papers and a bank...cost.or fees or tax..Yep...and to be born...also a tax to be born into...and injected to be in...stamped property of Civil roman estates....Surely!...food to stay alive, also charged for...because they will not let me farm on the land I thought I owned when bought...but i have no rights to turn this land into a farm to have free food...without the poison or advertising.....So..we buy...and that is where it kind of all goes wrong...the consumer is only the buyer...never allowed to be the seller....You work for to be taxed, and over charged, and your ideas, sucked and robbed from you....Peasant is the word of them of the day!....you are only a cash cow as long as you allow it!..or be like them ,sell everything even your info...As they will only sell it back or to others when stolen or taken from you, or made into more things to sell from your info, if so used....Do the same!
as it is now seen they want that info ..regardless of your wants or unwants for it to be taken...it is...then a reason for this must be capitalistic in nature!...if they all are doing it....Join in.

I must say, I'm amused, but I'll bite.
So, let's try this:
I assume you work for a living? You do something for a company, and in turn, they pay you money. So, why, exactly do they need you? Is your company trying to make money by selling products or services to its customers? Does your place of business advertise? If you're working in a DAW for a living, how do you gain customers? Do you pay your customers to accept advertising from you? If you're an artist, do you pay people to listen to your music?
If you're wanting to start a new TV station, how do you get started? How do you stay in business? Who pays for your TV network?
Yes, it is capitalistic in nature. It's getting an edge on the competition. But so is creating music for others to listen to. Even Indie labels picking up music artists want to know their customer base. They watch the numbers in sales and get reports of how their artists are selling in which markets. If CW wants to gain an edge on (or rather keep up) this industry and keep the cost of Sonar to a reasonable (albeit cheap!) cost to you as a customer, I think they can try something new and perhaps getting some reports about how their product line is doing in the market better. It's their product, we're their customers, and they will either suit us all with a win/win situation, or risk losing us and their business by doing things the wrong and deceitful way--which I seriously doubt is the aim here.
Let's try and understand where the costs are, how they are met, and where money comes from before we get too carried away with what you believe you're owed. Remember, you came to CW first.

If laws are broken, that's for lawyers to decipher. That's a whole other topic. But as far as I can tell, no laws are broken. You have the right to refuse giving up information, and you have been fore-warned of the coming information requests. You don't have to use a computer if you choose not to. Same for watching TV. However, there's something that compels you to do it, subjecting yourself to the utter chaos that is the Internet and broadcast or network TV.
2016/03/22 07:31:08
Sir Les
Now, if this happens...And it does..is happening:
and there is more dirty tactics being done to get that info..hiding and defaulting setups and settings.
reverting back to past renderings does not ensure the removal of spyware they want employed....so once you allow windows to do updates...you risk your systems stability and privacy.
Then what they take without your consent, or change of your settings to get...is against protocal, and or good business trust.
If changing settings causes issues with the machine and performance,devices...who pays for troubleshooting that system there after?...MS?..nope, they will ask you to pay to fix it on a plan you buy!
Now if they can over ride your settings to do this, and take...be mindful the reverse can also be done to entrap by putting info on the system to convict falsely!!!!...if, jfk was killed for not following orders....and you try to go against the norm they want employed onto all machines that it can...you can be targeted.
Now why would anyone follow the likeness of taking info from a user, that already is lied about being put to invade, or over rule system stability, to take...what you set to not allow...You then have no control of your own business, or machine to do its tasks properly, if the machine is now burdened doing these new assigned tasks sending and connecting to internet...using services that could cause issues with users....?
That is where you say...it is already like that on the internet, and in saying, you assume my machine is suppose to do the same thing because you have no issues, and my Avatar speaks about my intelligence on this subject...yet, others have issues with also...and are speaking out to warn people.
If CW wants info from its users...ask in the forums, and you may get better responses of willing participants, with out making us fear more troubles with our systems running spyware in apps, we all try to stop using virus or add bot blockers!
This is just not right to me to hear a Daw wanting to gain intel from users using spy ware built into the software....to make it better?
And you want me to believe that, when MS said the same thing...and I said no..turned off those things...to only find them turned back on///just like the second video..link says!...and make things better is just a lie by MS...reused now by CW...I wonder who that guy really is, and how he got the job at CW...to start doing this tactic.....just saying, some underground and secret cults, do infiltrate organizations to do damage.
Not sure all is as i know could be...but i trust less in, because they trust no one!
2016/03/22 08:26:38
Easy solution: when the EULA screen is displayed during installation, click "Decline".
2016/03/22 09:42:57
Sir Les
If CW wants info from its users...ask in the forums, and you may get better responses of willing participants, with out making us fear more troubles with our systems running spyware in apps, we all try to stop using virus or add bot blockers!

Well, they already tried gathering info from forum users, but as I said, many users aren't able to fully articulate the problems they have in every case, and Cakewalk has no choice but to move on to the next topic.
Personally, I think you are really more paranoid about what the industry is doing rather than just Cakewalk, or you really just have some beef with how things are progressing in ways that simply make you uncomfortable. If you believe the industry is wrong, then you have a much bigger fight on your hands than just belting out concerns in this forum. Look, if you're really that upset about how things are going with information gathering, turn your computer off and just don't use the Internet. That's the surest way to stop such things.
It sounds to me like you're in a no-win situation with software you use and things you do online. But you're much more like the rest of us in that, you'll possibly keep doing it because you see that the benefits far outweigh the concerns. I think you'll get past this. After all, just wait until the future of computing gets here and all of our PC's are in the cloud.
Enjoy it! Use it! Make money with it!
2016/03/22 16:02:12
Sir Les
What exactly is the industry doing?....spying!
Now you put it in other words...Do you as a industry have rnd?...Then use it!
As a developer You should have not only the tools to do the baking..but the machines to test you products before release!
Do not put the owness on me or others , using words like..."I do not understand what the industry is doing"
I certainly do!...You are stinging people along in some circles promising the world in a box...and then selling it to unsuspecting consumers who then have big problems trying to get it going!..on system over specified speced machines to your saying it does work with....But never giving the total tweaks to get it to do so....and the os undermining that process you put your platform on as your choice!
Yah turn off auto updates, turn off anti virus, turn off some settings here and there..Thus tweaking the system..Is only found on the forums and tech support gurus,after buying....Help?...well should this be known?...and if it is, then you are now saying..No we will fix it, as you pay and we spy?...leave our setting of auto sending and service run....When it is well known these things cause glitches by devote forum members who taught me.
Now what are you doing.?..is not truly being disclosed..(but Being forthright with this is not bad in saying...it is bad in doing) so you use a good policy of telling people what you plan in future (yet know it will cause issues with some systems).if the reverse is now being done...not only by OS, but others...this is cummalitive on the machines that are infected with such crap, which does cause cpu usage to run higher ,with the services n loggers doing it....SO yah, you and your industry is causing issues on users to some respect, to solve them for a cost to be gained on the other hand..it does seem!!!....what logic is that?...There is no logic......And putting detrimental code to do so, may cause people more issues to tweak, or troubleshoot, which is another industry of it's own to cost more for to get done....The standard is to feed them also?........Right!....And a machine that does not do what was intended to be used for in doing with....But doe not do..and is turned into a marketing platform for not the user!...Makes it redundant if it does not work as specified for the users needs....I did not buy my machine to ba a advertising plantform for MS or CW or to improve their products...I bought it to use their products!...on the box, with the words well said there on, under  agreement!...but not saying what it truly does not do, or now does, or will do down the road as is now being noted by users!
So Policy....put the agreement on the box.
Policy...if it does not perform as labled...refund the open products with in thirty days of testing.
And stop with the hidden sale of tech support, in subscription tactics now going bent!...this is a secondary industry.""intel gathering"..that is caused by crap like this being done to sabotage users , to some degree., to fuel that tech support line with moe money!...And do not say it is not so...Because I am logging it right now, and ever since I started with computers and the tactics used by industry!
Best of luck if you do employ it.
...I will be reverting my year subscription, as i do not want part of the dracon practice screwing up my machine....
I got tape machines that work, that will do all this recording stuff for me...and other options with less of the mistrust festered by industry to suffer on my end, and bent world order now doing on the other festering fear to cause decent and mistrust now in play....in the world using the we need you to give up your privacy so we can employ our mistrust!
...by using other OSes and software, I will learn new ways to avoid these mongering war mongerers!.
Unfortunately I like Sonar Platinum very much....But I do not believe the spy vs spy needs be put on my machine, to continue someones bent warfare, inspecting and emplying I am a threat, or could be suspect in their bent thinking... without due facts or charge!
That need to be suspected and spied upon, to find dirt, or put it in to take out who ever they believe needs be punished by that draconian law!..../ and perhaps held liable for information on my buying habits and devices used...to unbalance and falsely stack the markets to gleen from there investments also, with said info!
..There is enough of that in the bent world causing death and war and hate!...I want no part of!
So keep that mistrust out of my head, and my machine please///If you want me to understand that industry you say I should trust, then trust me, and keep that stuff out of my machine!...You are helping to manisfest mistrust by doing this along with the MS people now under some military rule!
Or I unplug wipe out and move to other OS and developers whom I will feel gain that trust, by giving me a platform that is stable and working without cpu inturption by spy ware and such working to undermine my efforts!...
this is another choice people have,but are lulled by bling bling...seems another industry standard now in play...and leaving bugs that have plagued many well over due to address....am i paying for this?....yes....should not be charged for as I paid for this to work when I bought in x1...as stated.and in trust I paid for fixed till now.....so, my trust has been now proven, that you fix the bugs only when paying for the bugs to be fixed...and...if you do not pay...you keep the bugs that are not supposed to be there!.....The only intent to fix the bugs in future, is used to impose more cost to the user, and more bugs to be employed onto the user down the road as so noted, to fix more bugs at a price based charge...down time...lost rev if used for...and cost to fix broken and or burnt devices, yanking and moving and trying to get that bliss promised by that same industry...I am now enjoying after a nightmare of tweaks and cost to get to this...You want to put on my machine what I spent most of the two past years trying to defeat?.........Crap!
...yearly charge to fix bugs is not part of fixing bugs that should not be, under system specified states, or over specified specs running should encounter under install instructions, using gear and devices of the nature expressed worked as of time of sale or purchase...By law this practice then can be expressed as false sales, and the consumer is protected by a law, that if the product does not work as specified or causes harm...it is mandated that the product be returned for full refund and any surcharges , and or can be sued for any damages done, if found falsified specification or practices were used to mine the consumer....It is called Fraud!.
If these issues/bugs put in or allowed to be released, are then used to gain more income by said "industry"...the lies told, or truths told, are on the box to prove, disprove the statements by testing or use there of... and your  methods to fix broken code or gear to that user who cannot use said product due to those mis-worded sales tactics to gain buyers into the loop of promises...is then lead down the update and pay path of constants.
A tape deck has no such issues ...plug it in, push play, record or bounce to open track...and it does it...if it does not do, you send it in to be fixed...if under warrenty...it is free!
This industry seems to have different policies...locked inside unseen until that box is opened, ans used..or trying to use...only to find a gauntlet of tweaks and services causing crashes and other issues to the constantly fix troubleshoot and pay for....getting it to work....updates and driver hunts...and lots of pointing fingers, on wild goose chases to fix...
do not tell me this is not being done.
And as some issues are being solved..by users paying for....you are being paid to solve them, and now using that user base to do so by taking from them?....and not paying...and users do solve by making work arounds!
So you are now if employing this tactic to use users as your RND...payment for!
and taking my data, to make your product better, can be seen as saying..your product is not good at all...
So i can twist words....and now, we know so can you!
  Policy does that also!
2016/03/22 18:30:04
This is not being done.
Sorry.... couldn't help myself.  
Good luck doing whatever it is you'll be doing.  Something tells me the SONAR world will continue to move forward as it has and will continue to improve.   As the old saying goes - you can please some of the people some of the time, but that's about it.  
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